西安大略大学Prof. Shawn Li, Ph.D (李顺成)10月26日上午学术报告


PresenterProf. Shawn Li, Ph.D (李顺成) Western University

TopicFunctional Proteomics for Precision Cancer Medicine

Time10:00 AM, October 26, 2016




Proteins in the cell are subjected to numerous post-translational modifications (PTM). PTMs not only greatly increase the size of the proteome, they also enrich protein function and enable dynamic control of essential cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. We are interested in understanding the mechanism of signal transduction mediated by protein phosphorylation and methylation in cells under normal or pathological conditions. A major focus of my lab is to identify novel tyrosine phosphorylation and lysine methylation sites and to characterize their functions in tumorigenesis and drug resistance. By combining proteomic techniques such as mass spectrometry and peptide/protein microarrays with conventional biochemical, molecular, and cellular approaches, we hope to uncover novel PTM events in an effective and systematic manner, generate new insights into disease mechanism, and develop innovative strategies for the accurate diagnosis and precise treatment of complex human diseases such as cancer.



2011-present             Professor, Department of Biochemistry, UWO.

2005-2010          Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, UWO.

2000-2005          Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, UWO.

2000-present             Scientist, Lawson Health Research Institute, UWO



Shawn S-C Li* et al., Ultra-deep tyrosine phosphoproteomics enabled by a phosphotyrosine superbinder. Nature Chemical Biology 2016, (in press)

Shawn S-C Li* et al., A phosphorylation switch controls the spatiotemporal activation of Rho GTPases in directional cell migration. Nature Communications.2015, 6:7721

Shawn S-C Li* et al., A Comprehensive Immunoreceptor Phosphotyrosine-based Signaling Network Revealed by Reciprocal Protein–Peptide Array Screening. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.2015, 14:1846-58.

Shawn S-C Li* et al., Non-histone protein methylation as a regulator of cellular signal transduction.  Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol2015,16(1):5-17

Shawn S-C Li* et al., A Method for Systematic Mapping of Protein Lysine Methylation Identifies Functions for HP1beta in DNA Damage Response Mol. Cell2013;50(5):723-35.

Shawn S-C Li* et al., Superbinder SH2 Domains Act as Antagonists of Cell Signaling. Sci. Signal.2012, 243, ra68

Shawn S-C Li* et al., Differential regulation of the activity of deleted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1) by tensins controls cell migration and transformation. PNAS2012;109(5):1455-60

Contact: Prof. Jian Liu

(责任编辑:张伶  邮箱:zhangling10@suda.edu.cn

