Prof. Marie-Louise Saboungi 10月21日上午学术报告


PresenterProf. Marie-Louise Saboungi, 法国奥尔良大学,皮埃尔与玛丽·居里大学,法国国家18新利备用网站 中心


Time10:10 AM, Oct. 21st(Friday)



Recent years have seen heightened applications of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) in biomedicine. Most of these involve iron oxide nanoparticles in the superparamagnetic (SPM) state, in which the particles behave as paramagnets with a huge magnetic moment.1-6 The applications can be roughly divided into three groups:

1. Imaging using magnetic nanoparticles, where SPM NPs are used as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging because of their large magnetic moments in a static magnetic field.

2. Magnetic targeting for drug and gene delivery, which can be effected in a number of different ways: a) thermomagnetic activation, in which fast relaxation of SPM NPs leads to local heating and hence drug or gene release; b) Direct magnetic activation with a rotating magnetic field; and c) magnetic guiding to critical locations with an strong external magnetic field.

3. Hyperthermia therapy, which, between 40 and 43° C, stimulates the immune system of the patient for an anticancer response, generally associated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

In this talk I will briefly summarize progress in these areas and proceed to a more detailed discussion of two avenues recently explored.


1) K. Hervé, et al Nanotechnology 19, 465608 (2008).

2) K. Kaaki, et al Langmuir 28, 1496 (2012).

3) J. Gautier, et al Int. J. Pharm. 423, 16.(2012).

4) I. Milosevic, et al Appl. Phys. Letters 104, 043701 (2014); T. Marin et al Appl. Phys. Letters 106 , 183706 (2015)

5) H. Khurshid et al, Scientific Reports, Scientific Reports, 5, 15054, 2015

6) I. Milosevic, et al, Biochemica et BioPhysica Acta General Subjects, in press


Marie-Louise Saboungi is Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the French Universities and conducts her research at the CNRS and the Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris and FUNSOM in Suchou, China. She is a Fellow of APS, AAAS, and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation from which she received the Helmholtz-Humboldt Prize. She served as Director of a research institute in Orleans (CRMD) and as Co-Director of the Materials, Energy and Geosciences Thrust Area at the University of Orleans. Prior to that she was a Senior Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory with close collaborations with the U of C’s James Franck Institute and with Cornell University. She has served on national committees for DOE and NSF, in France for the CNRS, ANR and AERES, and in the European Community where she served on the FET Advisory Board for Horizon 2020. She has organized and chaired over fifty international conferences and workshops including two Gordon Research Conferences. She actively participated in the Association of Women in Science and received an Award for Leadership from the YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago. At present she is involved in investigating complex soft materials with a special interest in the thermal, magnetic and biomedical properties of functionalized nanomaterials with a view to applications in energy and biotechnology.

Contact: Rui Peng


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