德国图宾根大学Prof. Frank Schreiber 9月29日上午学术报告


Presenter: Frank Schreiber, Institut fuer Angewandte Physik, Universitaet Tuebingen, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany

Topic: X-Ray Scattering from Thin Films and Surfaces: Fundamentals and Practical Applications

Time: 10:00 AM, Sept. 29th

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F



X-ray scattering is the traditionally the most successful method for structure determination, from inorganic materials to molecular systems to proteins.The conventional application is frequently considered to be associated with bulk materials, but of course there are many ways X-ray scattering can be employed to characterize thin films and surfaces or other forms of nano-materials.  The presentation will explain the fundamentals of X-ray scattering from thin films and surfaces.  After explaining the concept of grazing-incidence scattering and the associated surface-sensitivity we will discuss different specific applications, namely:

- X-ray reflectivity (XRR)

- grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD)

- grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS)

- nano-diffraction from nano-particles

For each technique, we will discuss practical applications to thin films, surfaces, and other nano-materials.



  • 1987 –      1992 undergraduate studies in physics at Bochum      University

  • 1992 Diploma (with distinction)      

  • 1995      Dr. rer. nat. (with distinction) at Bochum University

  • 1995/1996 Research      in Paris and Prague

  • 1996-1997      Post-Doctoral Fellow at Princeton University

  • 1998-2002      Research Assistant in Stuttgart (University and MPI-MF)

  • 2002 Habilitation in Stuttgart

  • 2002 -      2004 University Lecturer at the University of Oxford and Fellow of Wadham      College

  • since      December 2004 Professor (Chair) at Tübingen University

ContactProf. Steffen Duhm

(责任编辑:张伶  邮箱zhangling10@suda.edu.cn)
