新加坡科技研究局Dr.Ping Bai4月18日上午学术报告


Presenter: Dr. Ping Bai 



A*SATR Institute of High Performance Computing,Singapore


Topic: Plasmonic properties and applications of metallic nanostructures

Time: 9:30AM, Apr. 18th (Monday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F



When light interacts with free electrons in a metal, collective oscillations of the electrons or plasmons can be excited. At plasmon resonant frequency, electromagnetic fields near the metal surface are greatly enhanced, promoting a wide range of applications. We have researched into metallic nanostructures for various applications such as imaging, sensing, photovoltaic, photocatalysis and cosmetics. In this talk, I will focus on our developed plasmonic nanostructures during past 10 years for optoelectronic integration and biosensing. In the former, a novel hybrid plasmonic waveguide is used as a building block to develop high-performance plasmonic devices, including bends, filters, splitters, ring resonators and modulators. Charge transfer plasmons have been exploited to develop on-chip plasmonic sources and THz-speed photodetectors. For the biosensing, a point-of-care sensing system has been developed based localized surface plasmon resonance. Localized surface plasmons are also coupled with propagating plasmons including long range surface plasmons to improve the sensitivity of the sensors. Florescence quenching with metallic structures will also be discussed. 



Dr.Ping Bai is a Senior Scientist and Program Manager of Electronics & Photonics Department in the A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing. His research interests cover nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and biosensing, with focus on biosensing based on surface plasmon resonance and intra-chip optical data transmission by integrating plasmonic, photonic and electronic devices into the same chip. He has authored or coauthored over 80 scientific articles in international referred journals, such as Science, ACS Nano, and Nanoscale, given more than 30 invited talks/seminars, and filed 13 patents and technical disclosures. 

  联系人:江林 教授


  (责任编辑:张伶  联系方式


