德国图宾根大学Prof. Frank Schreiber 3月25日上午学术报告


Presenter: Prof. Frank Schreiber (Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany)

Topic: How X-rays can help to understand organic devices

Time: 10:00AM, Mar. 25th (Friday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F



In this lecture, we discuss different forms of the application of X-rays for the characterization of functional organic materials and devices. These are typically not single crystals, but complex layered multi-component heterostructures with non-trivial interface geometries. We illustrate how to address, using X-rays,

a)  the different scenarios of organic-organic heterostructures [1-4]

b) the interface between metal contacts and organic semiconductors [5,6] (with specific role X-ray standing waves (XSW) can play for a high-precision study) and

c)  the interface between organic semiconductors and capping layers.

We finally discuss the perspectives of using X-rays for other types of nano-structures, including in-situ monitoring of growth and structural changes [7].



[1] A. Hinderhofer and F. Schreiber, Organic-organic heterostructures: Concepts and applications, ChemPhysChem, 13 (2012) 628

[2] A. Aufderheide et al., Mixing-induced anisotropic correlations in molecular crystalline systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 156102

[3] R. Banerjee et al., Evidence for kinetically limited thickness dependent phase separation in organic thin film blends, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 185506

[4] C. Lorch et al., Controlling length-scales of the phase separation to optimize organic semiconductor blends, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 (2015) 201903

[5] H. Yamane et al., Site-Specific Geometric and Electronic Relaxations at Organic-Metal Interfaces, PRL 105 (2010) 046103

[6] G. Heimel et al., Charged and metallic molecular monolayers through surface-induced aromatic stabilisation, Nature Chem. 5 (2013) 187

[7] S. Bommel et al., Unravelling the multilayer growth of the fullerene C60 in real-time, Nature Comm. 5 (2014) 5388



Education and Career

Student:  1987 – 1992 undergraduate studies in physics at Bochum University Diploma (with distinction)

PhD:  1995 Dr. rer. nat (with distinction) at Bochum University

Post-doc:  1996-1997 Post-Doctoral Fellow at Princeton University

Junior group leader: 1998-2002 Junior group leader in Stuttgart (University and MPI-MF);  2002

                                  Habilitation in Stuttgart

Lecturer:  2002 - 2004 University Lecturer for Physical Chemistry at the University of Oxford and fellow of Wadham College

Professor:  since December 2004 Professor (Chair) at Tübingen University 


Stipends and awards

- Diploma with distinction (''mit Auszeichnung'')

- PhD Fellowship of the “Graduiertenförderung NRW”

- PhD with distinction (''mit Auszeichnung'')

- PhD award (best thesis) of Bochum University

- Post-Doctoral Fellowship of the DFG for research at Princeton University

- Distinguished Post-Doc at Princeton University (1996-1997)

- Prize for the best lecture (Wahlpflichtfach) in the winter term 2001/2002 in Physics in Stuttgart

- Visiting Professor Status Beijing Institute of Technology (2007)

- Professor of the year in Physics in Tübingen (2008/2009)

- Visiting Scientist at Rutherford Labs / ISIS (2009)

- Visiting Scientist at ILL / Grenoble (2015)


Research Interests

physics of molecular and biological matter, scattering (X-rays, neutrons, light), optical spectroscopy, growth and structure formation, self-assembly, adsorption at interfaces, diffusion dynamics, proteins, nanoparticles, organic semiconductors, molecular interactions


Publications and Invited Talks

> 190 peer-reviewed publications; > 180 invited talks; > 6700 citations; H-Index = 40


Service to the Scientific Community

inter alia, referee for various international journals, editorial board of Nature Reports, member of reviewing committees at various synchrotron and neutron facilities, member of the Scientific Council / instrument review committee (ILL), instrument review committee (BESSY), partnership for soft condensed matter (PSCM)

