加拿大国家研究委员会Tao Ye博士10月9日上午学术报告


Presenter: Dr. Ye Tao

Information and Communications Technologies,

National Research Council Canada

Topic: Printing Electronic Components and Circuits on Flexible Substrates

Time: 10:00AM, Oct. 9th(Friday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F



Printable Electronics is a promising technology that will enable the manufacturing of ubiquitous and low cost electronic devices, which covers from simple printed conducting lines, resistors, capacitors, to OLEDs, OFETs, OPV, and memory cells. More complicated electronic circuits can be formed using these basic building blocks to perform logic, sensing, human-machine interaction, and control functions. In this talk, I will introduce the research activities on the development of printed flexible organic solar panels, field-effect-transistors, p-MOS based logic circuits, and a smart-drug packaging under NRC’s Printable Electronics Flagship Program.



Dr. Ye Tao is a Principal Research Officer at the National Research Council of Canada, the head of the Organic Materials and Devices group at the Information and Communication Technologies Portfolio, and the leader of the Functional Devices Thrust for NRC’s Printable Electronics Flagship Program. His research focus has been in the areas of organic semiconductor materials and devices, material structure-property relationship, charge transport and recombination behavior, field-effect transistors, photovoltaic solar cells, and non-volatile memory devices.  Current research interests include printable/flexible/wearable electronic devices and circuits, smart surfaces, detectors, sensors, and development of low costs manufacturing processes. Dr. Tao leads more than 10 industrial research and development projects annually to support the Canadian industry.


Contact: Prof. Liangsheng Liao
