德国明斯特大学Gerhard Erker教授4月2日下午学术报告


报告人:Gerhard Erker 教授

Organisch-Chemisches Institut der Universität Münster

Corrensstr. 40, 48149 Münster, Germany

e-mail: erker@uni-muenster.de


题目:Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Principles and Some Recent Results





Lewis acids and bases usually undergo rapid neutralizing adduct formation. This can be prevented by steric bulk. In this case situations may be encountered where strong Lewis acids and Lewis bases are co-existent in solution, which may lead to new cooperative reactions with added substrates. In this way some remarkable reactions of combinations of main group element compounds have been found.

The most prominent such feature shown by a variety of e.g. phosphane/borane or amine/borane FLPs is hydrogen activation. Many FLPs cleave the H2 molecule heterolytically, which serves as the basis for the development of metal-free catalytic hydrogenation processes. Several examples shall be discussed in this lecture. FLPs undergo a variety of other remarkable reactions. They add to alkenes and alkynes, to carbonyl groups, including carbon dioxide. They also add to sulfur dioxide. Intramolecular P/B FLPs have served as templates for the reduction of carbon monoxide to the formylborane stage; this has led to the development of borane carbaldehyde chemistry

Eventually, in this lecture it will be discussed if intramolecular P/B FLPs might show a reaction profile towards typical small ligand molecules (isonitriles, carbon monoxide) that is remotely reminiscent to their typical coordination behavior to transition metals. We were even able to observe such behavior in the reaction of a variety of vicinal P/B FLPs with nitric oxide, which resulted in the formation and isolation of a series of persistent FLPNO nitroxide radicals. Several examples and their typical chemistry will be presented.

Selected leading references:

- "Frustrated Lewis-pairs: Metal-free Hydrogen Activation and More", D. W. Stephan, G. Erker,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2010, 49, 46-76.

- "N,N-Addition of Frustrated Lewis Pairs to Nitric Oxide: An Easy Entry to a Unique Family of Aminoxyl Radicals", M. Sajid, A. Stute, A. J. P. Cardenas, B. J. Culotta, J. A. M. Hepperle, T. H. Warren, B. Schirmer, S. Grimme, A. Studer, C. G. Daniliuc, R. Fröhlich, J. L. Petersen, G. Kehr, G Erker, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2012, 134, 10156-10168.

- "Frustrated Lewis Pair Mediated Hydrogenations", D. W. Stephan, G. Erker, Topics Curr. Chem. 2013, 332, 85-110

- "Formylborane Formation by Frustrated Lewis Pair Templates", M. Sajid, G. Kehr, C. G. Daniliuc, G. Erker, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014, 53, 1118-1121



Scientific Career

1966 - 1970    studied chemistry at the Universities Köln and Bochum

1973                Dr. rer. nat., Ruhr-Universität Bochum (W. R. Roth)

1974 - 1975    Postdoctoral fellow (DFG-Stipendiat) at Princeton University, USA, with Maitland Jones, Jr.

1981                Habilitation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Organic Chemistry)

1984 - 1985    Heisenberg-Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim 

1985 - 1990    Universitätsprofessor C3, Organic Chemistry, Universität Würzburg

1990 -  2015   Universitätsprofessor C4/W3, WWU Münster

2015 -             Seniorprofessor, WWU Münster


Scientific Awards, Appointments and Professional Recognition

1972                Promotionspreis (Dissertation-Prize) Ruhr-Universität Bochum

1983                Winnacker-Stipendium

1984                Chemiepreis der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen

1984 - 1985    Heisenberg Stipendium, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim

1986                Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Förderpreis für junge Hochschullehrer (first awardee)

1989                C4-offer, Universität Karlsruhe

1993                Max-Planck-Forschungspreis

1994                C4-offer, LMU München

1995                Otto-Bayer-Preis

1995 - 2002    elected DFG-referee (Organic Chemistry)

1996 - 2003    Member of the Executive Board, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)

2000 - 2001    President, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)

2000 - 2002    Member of the Senate, WWU Münster

2001                "Goldener Brendel", WWU students‘ best chemistry teaching award

2002                Werdelmann-Lecture, Universität Essen

2002 - 2008    Member of the Senate of the DFG

since 2003       Member of the NRW-Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste

since 2003       Member of the Academia Europaea

since 2003       Member of the Konvent für Technikwissenschaften der Union der deutschen Akademien acatech

since 2004       Concurrent Professor, Fudan University Shanghai, China.

2005                Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitation Fellowship Award Japan

2005                Lee Lecture, University of Chicago, USA

2005 - 2014    Spokesperson of the first German/Japanese International Research Training Group (DFG/JSPS IRTG 1143) "Complex Functional Systems in Chemistry: Design, Development and Applications" (Münster/Nagoya)

2006                John van Geuns Lecture, University Amsterdam

2007                Paul Sabatier Lecture, LCC Toulouse

since 2008       Member of the Hochschulrat der WWU Münster 

2009                Oppolzer Lecture, Université de Genève, Switzerland

2009                Adolf-von-Baeyer-Denkmünze der GDCh

2010 - 2016    Adjunct Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara

2010                Boulder Scientific Distinguished Lecturer, ColoradoStateUniversity,

                        Fort Collins, Col. USA

2011                Werner Heisenberg-Medaille der Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung

2011                Member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

2011                Eugen und Ilse Seibold-Preis  

2011                ERC Advanced Grant

2013                Elhuyar-Goldschmidt Award of the Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica

2014                Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany

2015 -              Member of the Senate of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina


Guest/Visiting Professorships

University of Strasbourg, France; University of Toulouse, France; University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada; Fukuoka University, Japan; Emory University, Atlanta, USA; University of California, Santa Barbara, USA; Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France; Nagoya University, Japan.


Scientific Output

since 1973       ca. 630 scientific publications (peer reviewed)

since 1979       ca. 170 conference contributions (plenary and invited lectures)

since 1981       ca. 330 lectures for scientific colloquia

since 1978       mentor of ca.140 doctoral students (125 completed dissertations, >130 Diploma and M.S. theses), 2 Habilitations.


