孙宝全 教授


孙宝全  (Baoquan Sun)

2008/10-       18新利体育 功能纳米与软物质材料研究院,教授/博士生导师;











  • 半导体材料与器件,柔性电子材料,纳米硅结构,太阳能电池,新型发光二级管及显示技术,共轭高分子和半导体纳米结构的光电特性及器件,光电薄膜表面和界面物理;

  • 硅基光伏电池,电池器件结构设计、电荷传输机理、钝化修饰,新型金属化技术及材料研发,TOPCon.电池,HJT电池;

  • 新型发光二极管或光伏电池的器件性质及相关的物理机制,主要包括基于半导体纳米结构的发光二极管和光伏电池如硅基/钙钛矿叠层电池,基于相关器件的表面与界面分析;

  • 半导体纳米结构的光电性质界面调控,通过控制半导体纳米结构的形貌和表面修饰,调控其光诱导的电荷产生、解离、复合和电荷迁移机制;

  • 柔性器件,柔性发光显示材料与器件柔性能源器件,柔性导电材料与衰减机理



  • 2016年度入选英国皇家学会材料领域前1%中国作者名单;

  • 2016年获得Nano Research最佳论文奖;

  • 2017年获得江苏省科学技术一等奖;

  • 2018-连续两年入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引学者(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单(材料科学);

  • 2019年获得江苏省科学技术二等奖;

  • 2019年入选金鸡湖科技领军人才计划;

  • 2019 年入选国家级人才计划


近期代表性论文(他引>17000 , H-index: 70)


已经发表“SCI”收录文章200余篇,相关工作曾经被Nature PhotonicsNature Climate Change, 泰晤士报、the Guardian、美国化学化学会、新华网等国内外200多家科学杂志或媒体报道。


50. Zou, Y.; Teng, P.; Xu, W.*; Zheng, G.; Lin, W.; Yin, J.; Kobera, L.; Abbrent, S.; Li, X.; Steele, J. A.; Solano, E.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Li, J.; Cai, L.; Kuang, C.; Scheblykin, I. G.; Brus, J.; Zheng, K.; Yang, Y.; Mohammed, O. F.; Bakr, O. M.; Pullerits, T.; Bai, S.; Sun, B.*; Gao, F.*, Manipulating crystallization dynamics through chelating molecules for bright perovskite emitters. Nature Communications 2021,12(1), 4831

49. Li, P.; Fang, J.; Wang, Y.; Manzhos, S.; Cai, L.; Song, Z.; Li, Y.; Song, T.; Wang, X.; Guo, X.; Zhang, M*.; Ma, D*.; Sun, B*., Synergistic Effect of Dielectric Property and Energy Transfer on Charge Separation in Non-Fullerene-Based Solar Cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021,60 (27), 15054-15062.

48. Wang, Y*.; Zhang, G.; Wu, H.; Sun, B*, Simultaneously Harvesting Friction and Solar Energy via Organic/Silicon Heterojunction with High DirectCurrent Generation. Adv Energy Mate, 2021,11 (21), 2100578.

47. Shao, B.; Song, Z.; Chen, X.; Wu, Y.; Li, Y.; Song, C.; Yang, F.; Song, T.; Wang, Y.*; Lee, S. T*.; Sun, B.*,Bioinspired Hierarchical Nanofabric Electrode for Silicon Hydrovoltaic Device with Record Power Output. ACS Nano 2021,15 (4), 7472-7481.

46. Liu, Y.; Cai, L.; Xu, Y.; Li, J.; Qin, Y.; Song, T.; Wang, L.; Li, Y.; Ono, L. K.; Qi, Y.*; Sun, B*., In-situ passivation perovskite targeting efficient light-emitting diodes via spontaneously formed silica network. Nano Energy 2020,78, 105134.

45. Liu, Y.; Li, Y.; Wu, Y.; Yang, G.; Mazzarella, L.; Procel-Moya, P.; Tamboli, A. C.; Weber, K.; Boccard, M.; Isabella, O.; Yang, X.*; Sun, B.*, High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Materials, Devices and Applications. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 2020, 142, 100579.

44. Wu, T.; Li, J.; Zou, Y.; Xu, H.; Wen, K.; Wan, S.; Bai, S.*; Song, T.*; McLeod*, J. A.; Duhm, S.; Gao, F.; Sun, B.*, High-Performance Perovskite Light-Emitting Diode with Enhanced Operational Stability Using Lithium Halide Passivation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020,59 (10), 4099-4105.

43. Wang, R.; Wang, Y.; Wu, C.; Zhai, T.; Yang, J.; Sun, B.*; Duhm, S.*; Koch, N.*, Direct Observation of Conductive Polymer Induced Inversion Layer in nSi and Correlation to Solar Cell Performance. Advanced Functional Materials 2020,30 (4), 1903440.

42. Qin, Y.; Wang, Y.; Sun, X.; Li, Y.; Xu, H.; Tan, Y.; Li, Y.; Song, T.; Sun, B.*, Constant Electricity Generation in Nanostructured Silicon by Evaporation-Driven Water Flow. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2020,59 (26), 10619-10625.

40.  Liu, Y.; Li, Y.; Wu, Y.; Yang, G.; Mazzarella, L.; Procel-Moya, P.; Tamboli, A. C.; Weber, K.; Boccard, M.; Isabella, O.; Yang, X.*; Sun, B.*, High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Materials, Devices and Applications. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 2020,142, 100579.

39. Liu, Y.; Cai, L.; Xu, Y.; Li, J.; Qin, Y.; Song, T.; Wang, L.; Li, Y.; Ono, L. K.; Qi, Y.*; Sun, B.*, In-situ passivation perovskite targeting efficient light-emitting diodes via spontaneously formed silica network. Nano Energy 2020,78, 105134.

38. Ban, M.; Zou, Y.; Rivett, J. P. H.; Yang, Y.; Thomas, T. H.; Tan, Y.; Song, T.; Gao, X.; Credington, D.; Deschler, F.; Sirringhaus, H.; Sun, B.*, Solution-processed perovskite light emitting diodes with efficiency exceeding 15% through additive-controlled nanostructure tailoring. Nature Communications 2018,9 (1), 3892.

37. Wu, C.; Wu, T.; Yang, Y.; McLeod, J. A.; Wang, Y.; Zou, Y.; Zhai, T.; Li, J.; Ban, M.; Song, T.; Gao, X.; Duhm, S.; Sirringhaus, H.; Sun, B.*, Alternative Type Two-Dimensional-Three-Dimensional Lead Halide Perovskite with Inorganic Sodium Ions as a Spacer for High-Performance Light-Emitting Diodes. ACS Nano 2019,13 (2), 1645-1654.

36. Tan, Y.; Li, R.; Xu, H.; Qin, Y.; Song, T.; Sun, B.*., Ultrastable and Reversible Fluorescent Perovskite Films Used for Flexible Instantaneous Display. Advanced Functional Materials 2019,0 (0), 1900730.

35. Liu, Y.; Cheng, P.; Li, T.; Wang, R.; Li, Y.; Chang, S. Y.; Zhu, Y.; Cheng, H. W.; Wei, K. H.; Zhan, X.; Sun, B.*; Yang, Y., Unraveling Sunlight by Transparent Organic Semiconductors toward Photovoltaic and Photosynthesis. ACS Nano 2019,13 (2), 1071-1077.

34. Liu, R.; Kuang, X.; Deng, J.; Wang, Y.-C.; Wang, A. C.; Ding, W.; Lai, Y.-C.; Chen, J.; Wang, P.; Lin, Z.; Qi, H. J.; Sun, B.*; Wang, Z. L.*, Shape Memory Polymers for Body Motion Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Mechanosensing. Advanced Materials 2018, 1705195.

33. Hu, H.; Wu, L.; Tan, Y.; Zhong, Q.; Chen, M.; Qiu, Y.; Yang, D.; Sun, B.*; Zhang, Q.; Yin, Y., Interfacial Synthesis of Highly Stable CsPbX3/Oxide Janus Nanoparticles. J Am Chem Soc 2018,140 (1), 406-412.

32. Zou, Y.; Ban, M.; Cui, W.; Huang, Q.; Wu, C.; Liu, J.; Wu, H.; Song, T.; Sun, B.*, A General Solvent Selection Strategy for Solution Processed Quantum Dots Targeting High Performance Light-Emitting Diode. Advanced Functional Materials 2017,27 (1), 1603352.

31. Wu, L.; Hu, H.; Xu, Y.; Jiang, S.; Chen, M.; Zhong, Q.; Yang, D.; Liu, Q.; Zhao, Y.; Sun, B.*; Zhang, Q.*; Yin, Y.*, From Nonluminescent Cs4PbX6 (X = Cl, Br, I) Nanocrystals to Highly Luminescent CsPbX3 Nanocrystals: Water-Triggered Transformation through a CsX-Stripping Mechanism. Nano Lett 2017,17 (9), 5799-5804.

30. Wu, C.; Zou, Y.; Wu, T.; Ban, M.; Pecunia, V.; Han, Y.; Liu, Q.; Song, T.; Duhm, S.*; Sun, B.*, Improved Performance and Stability of All-Inorganic Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes by Antisolvent Vapor Treatment. Advanced Functional Materials 2017,27 (28), 1700338.

29. Wang, Y.; Xia, Z.; Liu, L.; Xu, W.; Yuan, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Sirringhaus, H.; Lifshitz, Y.; Lee, S. T.; Bao, Q.*; Sun, B.*, The Light-Induced Field-Effect Solar Cell Concept - Perovskite Nanoparticle Coating Introduces Polarization Enhancing Silicon Cell Efficiency. Advanced Materials 2017,29 (18), 1606370.

28. Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Wu, H.; Cui, W.; Wang, R.; Ding, K.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Low-temperature synthesis TiOx passivation layer for organic-silicon heterojunction solar cell with a high open-circuit voltage. Nano Energy 2017,34 (Supplement C), 257-263.

27. Liu, R.; Wang, J.; Sun, T.; Wang, M.; Wu, C.; Zou, H.; Song, T.; Zhang, X.; Lee, S.-T.; Wang, Z. L.*; Sun, B.*, Silicon Nanowire/Polymer Hybrid Solar Cell-Supercapacitor: A Self-Charging Power Unit with a Total Efficiency of 10.5%. Nano Letters 2017,17 (7), 4240-4247.

26. Liu, J. W.; Ji, Y. J.; Liu, Y. Q.; Xia, Z. H.; Han, Y. J.; Li, Y. Y.*; Sun, B.*., Doping-Free Asymmetrical Silicon Heterocontact Achieved by Integrating Conjugated Molecules for High Efficient Solar Cell. Adv Energy Mater 2017,7 (19), 1700311.

25. Han, Y.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, J.*; Dong, H.; Li, Y.; Ma, W.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Naphthalene Diimide-Based n-Type Polymers: Efficient Rear Interlayers for High-Performance Silicon–Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells. ACS Nano 2017,11 (7), 7215-7222.

24. Chen, M.; Zou, Y.; Wu, L.; Pan, Q.; Yang, D.; Hu, H.; Tan, Y.; Zhong, Q.; Xu, Y.; Liu, H.; Sun, B.*; Zhang, Q.*, Solvothermal Synthesis of High-Quality All-Inorganic Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals: From Nanocube to Ultrathin Nanowire. Advanced Functional Materials 2017,27 (23), 1701121.

23. Zhao, S.; Pi, X.*; Mercier, C.; Yuan, Z.; Sun, B.*; Yang, D., Silicon-nanocrystal-incorporated ternary hybrid solar cells. Nano Energy 2016,26, 305-312.

22. Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Xu, Z.-Q.; Liu, J.; Song, J.; Xue, Y.; Wang, Z.; Zheng, J.; Jiang, L.; Zheng, C.; Huang, F.; Sun, B.*; Cheng, Y.-B.; Bao, Q.*, Reversible Structural Swell–Shrink and Recoverable Optical Properties in Hybrid Inorganic–Organic Perovskite. ACS Nano 2016,10 (7), 7031-7038.

21. Wu, S.; Cui, W.; Aghdassi, N.; Song, T.; Duhm, S.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Nanostructured Si/Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells with High Open-Circuit Voltage via Improving Junction Quality. Advanced Functional Materials 2016,26 (28), 5035-5041.

20. Wang, Y.-K.; Yuan, Z.-C.; Shi, G.-Z.; Li, Y.-X.; Li, Q.; Hui, F.; Sun, B.*; Jiang, Z.-Q.*; Liao, L.-S.*, Dopant-Free Spiro-Triphenylamine/Fluorene as Hole-Transporting Material for Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Efficiency and Stability. Advanced Functional Materials 2016,26 (9), 1375-1381.

19. Sun, B.*; Shao, M.; Lee, S.-T., Nanostructured Silicon Used for Flexible and Mobile Electricity Generation. Advanced Materials 2016,28 (47), 10539-10547.

18. Liu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Xia, Z.; Zhang, J.; Liang, F.; Li, Y.; Song, T.; Yu, X.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, High Performance Nanostructured Silicon-Organic Quasi p-n Junction Solar Cells via Low-Temperature Deposited Hole and Electron Selective Layer. ACS Nano 2016,10 (1), 704-712.

17. Cui, W.; Wu, S.; Chen, F.; Xia, Z.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X.-H.; Song, T.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, Silicon/Organic Heterojunction for Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion Photoanode with a Record Photovoltage. ACS Nano 2016,10 (10), 9411-9419.

16. Zhang, Y.; Cui, W.; Zhu, Y.; Zu, F.; Liao, L.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, High efficiency hybrid PEDOT:PSS/nanostructured silicon Schottky junction solar cells by doping-free rear contact. Energy & Environmental Science 2015,8 (1), 297-302.

15. Yuan, Z.; Wu, Z.; Bai, S.; Xia, Z.; Xu, W.; Song, T.; Wu, H.; Xu, L.; Si, J.; Jin, Y.; Sun, B.*, Hot-Electron Injection in Sandwiched TiOx-Au-TiOx Structure for High Performance Planar Perovskite Solar Cells. Adv Energy Mater 2015,5 (10), 1500038.

14. Bai, S.; Jin, Y.*; Liang, X.; Ye, Z.; Wu, Z.; Sun, B.*; Ma, Z.; Tang, Z.; Wang, J.; Würfel, U.; Gao, F.; Zhang, F., Ethanedithiol Treatment of Solution-Processed ZnO Thin Films: Controlling the Intragap States of Electron Transporting Interlayers for Efficient and Stable Inverted Organic Photovoltaics. Adv Energy Mater 2015,5 (5), 1401606.

13. Zhang, Y.; Zu, F.; Lee, S.-T.; Liao, L.; Zhao, N.; Sun, B.*, Heterojunction with Organic Thin Layers on Silicon for Record Efficiency Hybrid Solar Cells. Adv Energy Mater 2014,4 (2), 1300923.

12. Zhang, J.; Song, T.; Shen, X.; Yu, X.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, A 12%-Efficient Upgraded Metallurgical Grade Silicon–Organic Heterojunction Solar Cell Achieved by a Self-Purifying Process. ACS Nano 2014,8 (11), 11369-11376.

11. Liu, R.; Lee, S.-T.; Sun, B.*, 13.8% Efficiency Hybrid Si/Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells with MoO3 Film as Antireflection and Inversion Induced Layer. Advanced Materials 2014,26 (34), 6007-6012.

10. Bai, S.; Cao, M.; Jin, Y.*; Dai, X.; Liang, X.; Ye, Z.; Li, M.; Cheng, J.; Xiao, X.; Wu, Z.; Xia, Z.; Sun, B.*; Wang, E.; Mo, Y.; Gao, F.; Zhang, F., Low-Temperature Combustion-Synthesized Nickel Oxide Thin Films as Hole-Transport Interlayers for Solution-Processed Optoelectronic Devices. Adv Energy Mater 2014,4 (6), 1301460.

9.  Gu, X.; Cui, W.; Li, H.; Wu, Z.; Zeng, Z.; Lee, S.-T.; Zhang, H.; Sun, B.*, A Solution-Processed Hole Extraction Layer Made from Ultrathin MoS2Nanosheets for Efficient Organic Solar Cells. Adv Energy Mater 2013,3 (10), 1262-1268.

8.  Song, T.; Lee, S. T.; Sun, B.*, Silicon Nanowires for Photovoltaic Applications: The Progress and Challenge. Nano Energy 2012,1, 654-673.

7. Shen, X.; Sun, B.*; Liu, D.; Lee, S.-T.*, Hybrid Heterojunction Solar Cell Based on Organic–Inorganic Silicon Nanowire Array Architecture. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011,133 (48), 19408-19415.

6. Zou, G.; Luo, H.; Ronning, F.; Sun, B.*; McCleskey, T. M.; Burrell, A. K.; Bauer, E.; Jia, Q. X.*, Facile Chemical Solution Deposition of High-Mobility Epitaxial Germanium Films on Silicon. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2010,49 (10), 1782-1785.

5. Shen, X.; Sun, B.*; Yan, F.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, F.; Wang, S.; Zhu, X.; Lee, S.*, High-Performance Photoelectrochemical Cells from Ionic Liquid Electrolyte in Methyl-Terminated Silicon Nanowire Arrays. ACS Nano 2010,4 (10), 5869-5876.

4.  Sun, B.; Findikoglu, A. T.; Sykora, M.; Werder, D. J.; Klimov, V. I., Hybrid Photovoltaics Based on Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Amorphous Silicon. Nano Letters 2009,9 (3), 1235-1241.

3.  Sun, B.*; Sirringhaus, H., Surface Tension and Fluid Flow Driven Self-Assembly of Ordered ZnO Nanorod Films for High-Performance Field Effect Transistors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006,128 (50), 16231-16237.

2. Sun, B.*;; Sirringhaus, H., Solution-Processed Zinc Oxide Field-Effect Transistors Based on Self-Assembly of Colloidal Nanorods. Nano Letters2005, 5 (12), 2408-2413.

1. Sun, B.; Marx, E.; Greenham, N. C.*, Photovoltaic Devices Using Blends of Branched CdSe Nanoparticles and Conjugated Polymers. Nano Letters2003, 3 (7), 961-963.





光伏器件物理 (36课时,研究生,每年春季学期)






e-mail: bqsun@suda.edu.cn






Tel: 86-512-65880951
 Fax: 86-512-65882846

18新利体育 纳米科学技术学院910302A

