延世大学 Pro. Seong-Ju Hwang 12月23日下午学术报告


Presenter: Prof. Seong-Ju Hwang(SRC Center, Yonsei University)

Topic: Lattice Engineering Routes to 2D Monolayered Nanosheet-Based Multifunctional Nanohybrids

Time: 14: 00 - 15: 00 PM, December 23rd (Monday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909


Monolayered 2D nanosheets of layered metal compounds (layered metal oxides, layered double hydroxides, transition metal dichalcogenides, and layered metal carbides) have attracted intense research interest because of their unique physicochemical properties and useful functionalities. These monolayered inorganic nanosheets can be synthesized by soft-chemical exfoliation reaction and used as efficient 2D building blocks for superlattice nanohybrids, porous nanocomposites, freestanding hybrid films, etc. The wide 2D surface area, very thin thickness, and high electrochemical and catalytic activities render these inorganic nanosheets promising materials for energy production and storage. In this talk, versatile roles of 2D inorganic nanosheets in multifunctional nanohybrids will be presented together with in-depth analysis for the relationship between chemical bonding nature and energy functionality.


Prof. Seong-Ju Hwang received his BS, MS and PhD degrees in Department of Chemistry from Seoul National University in 1992, 1994, 1998, respectively, and another PhD degree in ICMCB-CNRS from Université Bordeaux I in 2001. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Michigan State University between 2001-2002, joined Konkuk University as an assistant professor between 2002-2005, and then moved to Ewha Womans University. Currently, he is the professor at Yonsei University and the directorof the Center for Hybrid Interfacial Chemical Structure (SRC Center). His research mainly focuses on the synthesis of various nanomaterials for energy storage and application, including Li/Na/Mg ion, Li-S, and Li-air batteries & supercapacitors, photocatalysts, electrocatalysts and so on. Prof. Hwang has published 271 papers and 71 patents. He is also the recipient of many awards such as Prize for Young Chemist, Korean Chemical Society-Wiley VCH, 2005, Prize for Excellent Researcher in Materials Chemistry, Korean Chemical Society, 2006, Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association (APA) Prize for Young Scientists, 2010, ShimGye Science Prize, Pohang Light Source, 2011, Best Environmental Technology of the Year, Korean Ministry of Environment, 2012, Prize for Excellent Environmental Technology, Korean Ministry of Environment, 2013.

Contact: Prof. Yanguang Li
