韩国成均馆大学 Jun-Yeob Lee教授12月17日下午学术报告


报告人Jun-Yeob Lee教授,韩国成均馆大学

报告题目:Host engineering for high efficiency and long lifetime blue organic light emitting diodes





The development of high efficiency and long lifetime blue organic light-emitting diodes has been a challenging issue because blue fluorescent materials show low external quantum efficiency and blue phosphorescent and thermally activated delayed fluorescent emitters suffer from short device lifetime. Therefore, it is essential to develop high efficiency blue organic light-emitting diodes which can secure long lifetime at the same time. In this work, we developed host materials for blue organic light-emitting diodes which can reach theoretical maximum external quantum efficiency and long lifetime at the same time. The host engineering enabled high external quantum efficiency over 20% and long device lifetime along with deep blue color coordinate.


Prof. Jun Yeob Lee received his Ph.D degree from the Seoul National University, Korea in 1998. After a postdoc at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1998-1999), he joined Samsung SDI and developed active matrix organic light-emitting diodes for 6 years. After that, he worked as a professor at the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering of Dankook University and he is now a professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of Sungkyunkwan University since 2015. His main research areas are the synthesis of organic electronic materials and the development of novel device structures for organic electronic devices.

