Oleksandr Ivasenko教授


Oleksandr Ivasenko

教授   博士生导师



教授 (2022- ), 18新利体育 功能纳米与软物质研究院

研究员 (2011-2020, 2021-2022), 比利时-鲁汶大学

研发测试工程师 (2021), 3D Systems公司 (全球增材制造领导者)

博士学位 (2011), 加拿大-麦吉尔大学

硕士学位 (2004), 乌克兰-顿涅茨克国立大学

学士学位 (2003), 乌克兰-顿涅茨克国立大学



Oleksandr Ivasenko2011年获得加拿大麦吉尔大学化学博士学位。然后担任KU Leuven(比利时)Steven De Feyter教授小组的几个研究方向的博士后研究员和团队负责人。2020年,他在3D Systems Inc.拥有工业工作经验,致力于使用高性能金属合金进行高级增材制造的下一代3D打印机。他发表了>40SCI论文,包括在Nat. Chem.Chem. Soc. Rev.J. Am. Chem. Soc.ACS NanoAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 和其他顶级化学期刊上发表文章。他的研究获得了乌克兰政府(乌克兰议会青年科学家研究奖学金)、加拿大(加拿大化学研究所颁发的MSED-LANXESS最佳研究生论文奖)和比利时政府(Marie-Curie PegasusFWO博士后奖学金)的著名奖项和奖学金。Ivasenko博士于2022年加入功能纳米与软材料研究院(FUNSOM),担任正教授。他的研究重点是微/纳米制造和先进的增材制造。




E-mail: oleksandr.ivasenko@gmail.com



1.    Wang, X., Ma, J., Zheng, W., Osella, S., Arisnabarreta, N., Droste, J., Serra, G., Ivasenko, O., Lucotti, A., Beljonne, D. and Bonn, M. (2022). Cove-Edged Graphene Nanoribbons with Incorporation of Periodic Zigzag-Edge Segments. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144(1), 228–235. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.1c09000

2.    Bragança, A.M., Minoia, A., Steeno, R., Seibel, J., Hirsch, B.E., Verstraete, L., Ivasenko, O., Müllen, K., Mali, K.S., Lazzaroni, R. and De Feyter, S. (2021). Detection and Stabilization of a Previously Unknown Two-Dimensional (Pseudo) polymorph using Lateral Nanoconfinement. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143(29), 11080-11087. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.1c04445

3.    Phan, T.H.*, Van Gorp, H., Li, Z., Trung Huynh, T.M., Fujita, Y., Verstraete, L., Eyley, S., Thielemans, W., Uji-i, H., Hirsch, B.E., Mertens, S.F., Greenwood, J., Ivasenko, O.*, and De Feyter, S.* (2019). Graphite and Graphene Fairy Circles: A Bottom-Up Approach for the Formation of Nanocorrals. ACS Nano, 13(5), 5559-5571. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.9b00439

4.    Fang, Y., Cibian, M., Hanan, G.S., Perepichka, D.F., De Feyter, S., Cuccia, L.A.* and Ivasenko, O.* (2018). Alkyl chain length effects on double-deck assembly at a liquid/solid interface. Nanoscale, 10(31), 14993-15002. https://doi.org/10.1039/C8NR04220A

5.    Li, Z., Van Gorp, H., Walke, P., Phan, T.H., Fujita, Y., Greenwood, J.*, Ivasenko, O.*, Tahara, K., Tobe, Y., Uji-i, H., Mertens, S.F.* and De Feyter, S.* (2017). Area-selective passivation of sp 2 carbon surfaces by supramolecular self-assembly. Nanoscale, 9(16), 5188-5193. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7NR00022G

6.    Fang, Y., Ghijsens, E., Ivasenko, O.*, Cao, H., Noguchi, A., Mali, K.S.*, Tahara, K.*, Tobe, Y.* and De Feyter, S.* (2016). Dynamic control over supramolecular handedness by selecting chiral induction pathways at the solution–solid interface. Nat. Chem., 8, 711-717. https://doi.org/10.1038/nchem.2514

7.    Bragança, A.M., Greenwood, J.*, Ivasenko, O.*, Phan, T.H., Müllen, K. and De Feyter, S.* (2016). The impact of grafted surface defects and their controlled removal on supramolecular self-assembly. Chem. Sci., 7(12), 7028-7033. https://doi.org/10.1039/C6SC02400A

8.    Greenwood, J., Phan, T.H., Fujita, Y., Li, Z., Ivasenko, O.*, Vanderlinden, W., Van Gorp, H., Frederickx, W., Lu, G., Tahara, K., Tobe, Y., Uji-i, H.*, Mertens, S.F. and De Feyter, S.* (2015). Covalent modification of graphene and graphite using diazonium chemistry: tunable grafting and nanomanipulation. ACS Nano, 9(5), 5520-5535. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.5b01580

9.    Cui, K., Mali, K.S., Ivasenko, O., Wu, D., Feng, X., Walter, M., Müllen, K., De Feyter, S. and Mertens, S.F. (2014). Squeezing, Then Stacking: From Breathing Pores to ThreeDimensional Ionic SelfAssembly under Electrochemical Control. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53(47), 12951-12954. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201406246

10.  Narita, A., Feng, X., Hernandez, Y., Jensen, S.A., Bonn, M., Yang, H., Verzhbitskiy, I.A., Casiraghi, C., Hansen, M.R., Koch, A.H., Fytas, G., Ivasenko, O., Li, B., Mali, K.S., Balandina, T., Mahesh, S., De Feyter, S. and Müllen, K. (2014). Synthesis of structurally well-defined and liquid-phase-processable graphene nanoribbons. Nat. Chem., 6(2), 126-132. https://doi.org/10.1038/nchem.1819

11.  Ghijsens, E., Ivasenko, O., Tahara, K., Yamaga, H., Itano, S., Balandina, T., Tobe, Y.* and De Feyter, S.* (2013). A tale of tails: alkyl chain directed formation of 2D porous networks reveals odd–even effects and unexpected bicomponent phase behavior. ACS Nano, 7(9), 8031-8042. https://doi.org/10.1021/nn4032036

12.  Ivasenko, O. and Perepichka, D.F.* (2011). Mastering fundamentals of supramolecular design with carboxylic acids. Common lessons from X-ray crystallography and scanning tunneling microscopy. Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(1), 191-206. https://doi.org/10.1039/C0CS00022A



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