弗吉尼亚联邦大学 Prof. Qingguo Xu 11月12日上午学术报告


报告人: Prof. Qingguo Xu, Virginia Commonwealth University

报告题目: Nanotherapeutics for treating ocular disorders

报告时间: 900 AM, Nov 12(Tuesday)

报告地点: 909-B


indness and visual impairment represent a substantial burden to the healthcare system. However, delivering therapeutics to the eye is a challenge on multiple levels. Rapid blink-related clearance of medications in eye drops requires that they be applied frequently, but patient compliance with eye drop regimens is poor (e.g., glaucoma patients only take roughly one-half of their doses correctly). In addition, drug penetration to the back of eye following topical administration is limited due to multiple ocular barriers, including the cornea, conjunctiva, sclera and vitreous.  On the other hand, the blood-retinal barrier (BRB) limits the delivery of drugs into the eye following systemic administration. In this talk, I will present a new nanotherapeutic engineered to enhance ocular therapeutic activity through overcoming biological barriers, prolonging drug half-life, releasing drugs in a controlled fashion, and eliminating toxic side effects in a corneal transplantation rejection model. I will show how engineering principles can be applied to advance our understanding of the interactions of therapeutic nanoparticle platforms with biological barriers in the eye. Using this knowledge, I will demonstrate how nanotherapeutics can be designed with the goal of improved treatment of ocular disorders.

个人简介 :

Qingguo Xu is a Blick Scholar Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics, Ophthalmology, and Massey Cancer Center at the Virginia Commonwealth University since 2017. Dr. Xu received B.E. and M.E. in Polymer Materials and Engineering from Tianjin University, and D.Phil. in Materials Science from University of Oxford at 2009. Dr. Xu was a postdoc fellow at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and 3 years later he became a Research Faculty. Dr. Xu has experience in materials science, drug delivery, nanotechnology, and physiochemical characterization of mucosal and tissue barriers to drug delivery systems. A significant portion of his current work has involved the design and development of new methods for safe, effective drug delivery to treat various eye diseases, lung infection, and opioid use disorder. He is the PI and co-PI of a NIH/NEI R01 grant, a NIH/NIDA UG3 grant and a FDA grant. Dr. Xu has authored about 30 research papers and 10 patents and patent applications. These efforts have led to awards and recognitions, including Blick Scholar (2019), Young Investigator of CRS Ocular Delivery (2019), Powe Junior Faculty Award (2018), AAPS-Genentech Innovation in Biotechnology Award (2013), EBAA/Richard Lindstrom Award (2013).

联系人:刘庄 教授
