康振辉教授、陈子亮副教授及其合作者在Energy Environ. Sci.上发表论文



A dynamic piezoelectric effect to promote electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide


Hongyuan Yang1,2#, Jie Wu1#, Zhengran Chen3#, Kai Zou3, Ruihong Liang3, Zhenhui Kang1#, Prashanth W. Menezes2,4* & Ziliang Chen1,2*


1Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials (FUNSOM), Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Carbon-based Functional Materials and Devices, Joint International Research Laboratory of Carbon-Based Functional Materials and Devices, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, P. R. China.

2Department of Chemistry: Metalorganics and Inorganic Materials, Technical University of Berlin, Straße des 17 Juni 135. Sekr. C2, Berlin 10623, Germany.

3Key Laboratory of Inorganic Functional Materials and Devices, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 588 Heshuo Road, Jiading District, Shanghai 201800, P. R. China.

4Materials Chemistry Group for Thin Film Catalysis – CatLab, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fur Materialien und Energie, Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, Berlin 12489, Germany.


Physical field modulation has been regarded as a promising approach to boost the performance of various electrocatalysts and has recently received notable attention. However, such a technique by coupling an external field to controllably enable efficient and green electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) through a 2e- oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) has not been perceived so far. In order to address the feasibility of this method, a controllable piezoelectric strategy based on the response of intrinsic electric domains to the stimulation of fluid mechanical force was exploited effectively to induce local electric fields on the polarized ceramic catalyst surface during the dynamic ORR. By adjusting the polarization degree of ceramic catalysts, the strength of the local electric field could be accordingly modulated, thus tuning the coverage of OH- ions on the catalyst surface which is beneficial for optimizing the binding strength towards oxygen-containing intermediates and alleviating the disproportionation of the peroxide product.







