

报告人:Prof. Ching W. Tang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

报告题目:LCD, OLED and MicroLED – A comparison





Professor Ching W. Tang received his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Cornell University in 1975. He then worked in Eastman Kodak and was named Distinguished Fellow of the Kodak Research Laboratories in 2003. He joined the University of Rochester as the Doris Johns Cherry Professor of Chemical Engineering in 2006, and has joint appointments in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He joined HKUST in 2013 and has joint appointments with the Departments of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Chemistry and Physics.

Professor Tang was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1998, and Fellow of the US National Academy of Engineering in 2006. He has received honorary degrees from Shanghai University, and South China Technology University.


Selected Honors & Awards

Kyoto Laureate (2019)

National Inventors Hall of Fame Inductee (2018)

C&C Prize (2018)

IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal (2017)

Nick Holonyak Jr. Award by The Optical Society (2014)

Eduard Rhein Technology Award (2013)

Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2011)

Honorary Doctorate, Shanghai University (2010)

Lifetime Achievement Award, University of Rochester (2010)

Daniel E. Noble Award, IEEE (2007)

Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (2006)

Humboldt Research Award, Humboldt Foundation, Germany (2005)

American Chemical Society Award for Team Innovation (2003)

Fellow, Society for Information Display (2002)

Inventor of the Year Award, Rochester Intellectual Property Law Association (2002)

Jan Rajchman Prize, Society for Information Display (2001) 

Carothers Award, American Chemical Society (2001) 

Northeast Regional Industrial Innovation Award, American Chemical Society (2001)

Eastman Innovation Award, Eastman Kodak Company (2000)

Fellow, American Physical Society (1998)


