剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室 许卫东博士 3 月29 日 学术报告


报告人:Dr Weidong Xu (许卫东), Cambridge UniversityCavendish Laboratory

报告题目Optical spectroscopic studies on charge carrier dynamics in lead halide perovskite solar cells




Understanding the radiative and non-radiative loss mechanisms in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is essential to close the gap between current device performance and the theoretical limit. This presentation focuses on using various optical spectroscopic methodologies to study the impact of different materials and device processing on charge carrier dynamics that correlate to device performance in PSCs. The underlying dynamics, including recombination, transport and transfer, are mainly investigated by voltage-dependent photoluminescence, electroluminescence, time-resolved photoluminescence and transient absorption spectroscopy. Different-processed perovskite layers with controlled morphology and defect densities and their contacted charge transport layers with varied energeticsand mobilities are studied. Finally, several unique measurement techniques were developed and successfully applied to investigate a range of different-processed PSCs. The underlying physical mechanisms for improving or limiting the performance of these PSCs are revealed.



Dr Weidong Xu received his PhD in 2022 from Imperial College London by working with Prof. James Durrant, CBE, FRS, in the Department of Chemistry, and is also the department PhD prize winner of the same year. He is currently a postdoc researcher at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology & Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, under the supervision of Prof. Samuel Stranks. His current research focuses on using operando microscopic spectroscopy to probe the charge carrier dynamics in efficient perovskite applications. Before going abroad, Dr Weidong Xu was also a member of FUNSOM for studying his master’s degree under the supervision of Prof. Baoquan Sun between 2013 and 2016 and did his undergraduate in the East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai. He has over 30 publications with an h-index of 21. 


