(#equal contribution, *corresponding author)

l   [Book chapter]: Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Electronic and Robotic Skins

Y-C Lai*, R. Liu*, M. Xu*, C. Zhao

Handbook of Triboelectric Nanogenerators 2023.

l   Ion diode-like heterojunction for improving electricity generation from water droplets by capillary infiltration

K. Ni, B. Xu, Z. Wang, Q. Ren, W. Gu, B. Sun, R. Liu*, X. Zhang*.

Advanced Materials 2023, 35, 202305438.

l   Conductive hydrogels for bioenergy harvesting and self-powered application

C. Zhang#, M. Nayeem#, Z. Wang#, X. Pu, C. Dagdeviren*, Z. L. Wang*, X. Zhang*, R. Liu*.

Progress in Materials Science 2023, 138, 101156.

l   Electricity generation from phase transitions between liquid and gaseous water

B. Shao, Y. Song, Z. Song, Y. Wang, Y. Wang*, R. Liu*, B .Sun*.

Advanced Energy Materials 2023, 13, 2204091.

l   Hydrogel electrolyte enabled high-performance flexible aqueous zinc ion energy storage systems toward wearable electronics

G. Weng, X. Yang, Z. Wang, Y. Xu, R. Liu*.

Small 2023, 19, 2303949.

l   Boosting electrical output of nanostructured silicon hydrovoltaic device via
cobalt oxide enabled electrode surface contact

B. Shao, C. Xing, Y. Song, C. Jiang, G. Bai, T. Song, R. Liu*, Y. Wang*, B .Sun*.

Nano Energy 2023, 106, 108081.

l   PEDOT:PSS-based electrochromic materials for flexible and stretchable

Z. Wang, R Liu*.

Materials Today Eelectonics 2023, 4, 100036.

l   Stability enhancement of silver nanowire-based flexible transparent electrodes for organic solar cells

X. Duan*, D. Yu  R. Liu*.

Materials Today Energy 2023, 37, 101409.

l   In-situ organic-inorganic ferroelectric layer growth for efficient perovskite solar cells with high photovoltage

L. Xiao, X. Xu, Z. Lu, J. Zhao*, R. Liu, Y. Ye, R. Tang, We. Liao*, R. Xiong*, G. Zou*.

Nano Energy 2023, 107, 108114.

l   Flexible photo-charging power sources for wearable electronics

Y. Ding, Z. Wang, X. Duan, R. Liu*.

Materials Today Energy 2023, 33, 101276.