1. L. Li, X. S. Fang, T. Y. Zhai, Y. Bando, and D. Golberg, Nanocolumnar Arrays by Pulsed Laser Deposition on Polystyrene Colloid Spheres. Handbook of Innovative Nanomaterials: From Synthesis and Applications, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd. Editor: Li-ming Wu& Xiao-sheng Fang 2012

2. X. S. Fang, L. Li, U. K. Gautam, Y. Bando, and D. Golberg, One-Dimensional Inorganic Semiconductor Nanostructures: Controlled Growth and Potential Applications.Handbook of Innovative Nanomaterials: From Synthesis and Applications, PanStanford Publishing Pte Ltd. Editor: Li-ming Wu & Xiao-sheng Fang 2012

3. X. C. Dou, L. Li, and G. H. Li, Growth Mechanisms of Electrodeposited Nanowires. NovaScience Publishers. 2011

4. T. Y. Zhai, X. Wang, L. Li, Y. Bando, and D. Golberg, One-Dimensional InorganicNanostructures for Field-Emitters. One-Dimensional Nanostructures: Principlesand Applications, Wiley Publishers, Germany. Editor: Jian-nian Yao, 2011

5. X. S. Fang, L. Li, and L. D. Zhang, 1D ZnO Nanomaterials and Nanostructures. Advanced Materials Research Trends, Nova Publishers, USA.Editor: Levan V. Basbanes, 2007



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倪江锋老师 jeffni@suda.edu.cn

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