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学术报告:Label-free Optical Micro Imaging Technologies towards

报告人:  Prof.Xingde Li, Department of Biomedical Engineering,

                     Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205 USA




报告摘要This presentation will focus on our recent progresses on developing high-resolution biophotonic imaging technologies, particularly the second-generation optical coherence tomography (OCT) endoscopy and multiphoton endomicroscopy. These technologies have shown promising translational potential for direct visualization of tissue microanatomies in vivo, in situ and in real time at a resolution from morphological to cellular, subcellular and ECM level, which approaches or at standard histopathology but without the need for tissue removal, staining or processing. The physics principles, engineering challenges and solutions will be briefly discussed, including the development of advanced lasers, MEMS technology, custom optical fiber, and ultracompact, high-performance imaging optics. Representative applications of these optical technologies will be presented, including cancer detection, small airway pathophysiology imaging, preterm birth risk assessment, and intra-operative guidance for neurosurgery. Other potential applications towards basic research such as functional neuroimaging on freely walking animals will also be discussed.


报告人简介Dr. Xingde Li received his BS degree from USTC in 1990 and his PhD degree in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Pennsylvania in 1998. He has published about 100 peer-reviewed journal papers, with a total citation ~13,200 and an H-index~47 (Google Scholar). Several of his patents have been licensed and converted to commercial products. He served as the chair of Emerging Technologies Committee of IEEE-EMBS (2006-2010). He has chaired many conferences such as the recent OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meetings 2010-2014. He serves on serval grant review panels for various funding agencies including NIH, NSF, Singapore and EU. He has been a topical editor or associate editor for several international journals including the Journal of Biomedical Optics (SPIE), Biomedical Optics Express (OSA), Optics Letters (OSA), the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Light: Science and Applications (Nature Publishing Group and CIOMP) etc. He was elected to China National 1000 Talents Plan (B) with SIBET, and is a Fellow of OSA, SPIE, and AIMBE.


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