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学术报告:Pushing the boundaries of biophotonics


报告人:Hao F. Zhang, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Northwestern University
邀请人: 陈新建 特聘教授
Prof. Zhang’s lab seeks to develop optical imaging technologies to fill the gaps in both clinical diagnoses and fundamental investigations. The current focus are (1) to develop optical coherence tomography (OCT) technologies that can extract physiological and pathological information beyond high-quality anatomical imaging. To this end, we developed visible-light OCT to provide additional strong optical contrast to OCT. We are using this new tool to investigate ischemic strokes and leading blinding diseases; (2) to push super-resolution optical microscopy into new depth. We combined patterned illumination with two-photon microscopy to achieve this goal. We demonstrated 100-nm spatial resolution at a depth of over 250 μm and we are investigating neuroplasticity in responding to external stimulations in both living brain slices and in vivo rodents; (3) to add molecular specificity to single molecular imaging through stochastic spectroscopic analysis. We combined multi-order diffraction detection with existing photon localization microscopy (PALM or STORM) to achieve this goal. We achieved 4.5 nm spatial resolution from unstained DNA and microtubules. We are investigating new ways to conduct genomics research and genetic medicine. In this talk, I will brief our recent progresses in these three areas.
张浩博士,美国Northwestern University生物医学工程系副教授,眼科学副教授,主要从事生物医学光学传感和成像领域研究。张教授分别于1997年和2000年在上海交通大学获得学士和硕士学位;2006年在Texas A&M University获得生物医学工程博士学位;2006年至2007年在Washington University in St. Louis从事博士后研究。之后先在University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee电子工程与计算机科学系任助理教授并于2010年加入Northwestern University生物医学工程系。张教授和同事于2006年和2007年分别在Nature Biotechnology和Nature Protocols上第一次报导了光声显微镜的研制和在微循环领域的广泛应用;于2015年第一次报导可见光断层眼底成像以及眼底血液循环的氧代谢量化测量;于2015年第一次报导光学超分辨的大深度组织成像;于2016年分别在Nature Communication和PNAS上第一次报道单分子超分辨率多光谱成像及其在DNA研究中的应用。近几年来张教授及其团队在国际著名杂志上发表论文80余篇,当前总引用次数为12100,获得美国发明专利7项,在学术会议上作邀请报告60余次,获得自然科学基金会(NSF)和国家健康研究院(NIH)等美国联邦机构的科研经费八百余万美元,其中包括NSF CAREER Award,NIH Director’s Challenge Award,和NIH Director’s Impact Award其研究成果受到新闻报道10余次。张教授目前担任美国国家健康研究院科学评审中心的Chartered Member以及Current Eye Research,Scientific Reports,和Biomedical Optics Express的编委。目前团队包括博士后4人和博士生8人,并于2014年共同创建Opticent Health公司专注于眼底成像技术的研发和市场化。更多信息请参考foil.northwestern.edu或www.opticenthealth.com。
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