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学术报告:Educating Engineers for the present millennium




报告人:Vishwanath Sinha Academic Chair, Electronics & ICT Academy Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur


报告摘要:Present decade is witnessing enormous technological innovations all around. Developments, particularly in the broad field of ICT (information and communication technology) are deeply influencing the lives of people, in what and how they communicate for business, education, infotainment or even governance. Besides this, globalization of trade and commerce has blurred national boundaries for execution of services. These multifaceted technologies, specifically wireless devices, computers, internet etc need adequately trained manpower for their implementation. Present day engineers, therefore, must adapt themselves, besides their core technical proficiencies, to the ethos and environmental issues of various societies where they are supposed to work. Competitiveness of the present global knowledge-based society, thus, requires engineers with the responsibility to apply their technical skills and competence to advance technology in harmony with the evolution of a particular society. But this competitiveness cannot be at the expense of inhuman use of technology. Hence, ethical paradigm must also become part of the training process of these personnel.

The talk will discuss these issues, confining the discourse primarily to undergraduate engineering education. The parameters would include role of non-technical subjects as part of the curriculum. Some of the questions which need to be answered are: how to integrate ethical aspects in education, should there be a global standard in engineering education, how to control quality, how to inculcate lifelong learning philosophy in the minds of young engineers? We do not have precise answers to many of these concerns.

As pointed out above, the talk also dwells on the associated evaluation – assessment – of such processes. We discuss accreditation scenario as it exists today.


报告人简介:Prof. Sinha has more than 50 years of progressive professional experience in pedagogy, research and development, management, technical leadership, technology transfer, and organizational abilities. He started his Professional Career at IIT Kanpur. Then he established the first public-private-partnership University, the LNM IIT Jaipur, a collaborative venture of the Government of Rajasthan and the Foundation of the Steel Baron Mr. L. N. Mittal and subsequently superannuated from there as the Distinguished Professor and Adviser. His present role at MNIT Jaipur is to mentor the departments of Electronics & Communication as well as Computer Science & Engineering.

Major part of his professional career has been at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in various academic capacities. He joined the Institute in 1971 after his DSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Innovation in pedagogy, introduction of new graduate courses as the technology marches ahead, guiding theses work of graduate students, bringing in sponsored research projects, supervision of developments of projects (e.g., Remote Tutor – a tool for e-learning, Graphics & Indian Scripts Terminals) as the project coordinator, technology transfer to industries, organizing large conferences (22nd mid-term Symposium & Exhibition of the Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers; IEEE Region 10 TENCON '91 Conference, National Conference on Communications 1995 and 2001, Symposium on Automotive Electronics 1997 and International Symposium on Automotive Electronics & Alternate Energy Vehicles 1999 and 2001), administration at various levels could be some of his contributions while at IIT Kanpur. He also has the experience of working in Europe, South America as well as in North America; as a researcher at the Brazilian Space Research Institute, Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo; Nuclear Research Institute, Ljubljana and as a visiting faculty at University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, U.S.A., RWTH - Technical University of Aachen, Germany and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Dr. Sinha is also very active in professional society activities. He has served as a member of the Council of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) and was Chairman/Co-airman of Council Committees. He has also been the Chairman of the Institution of Engineers (India) Kanpur Local Centre; Chairman, IETE Kanpur Local Centre and the Chairman of IEEE UP Section. He had organized the 10th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC’07) in 2007 in Jaipur as its General Chair, a Conference which came to India for the first time and had attracted participation from 38 countries. He is a Fellow of IETE and Institution of Engineers (India), and a Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education. Some time back the IEEE had conferred on him its prestigious Fellowship for his contribution to electrical engineering education, of which he is a Life Fellow now.

His areas of interests are technical education, mobile communication, error control coding, satellite communication and telematics.


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