18新利体育 苏州医学院实验动物中心成立于1987年,是18新利体育 苏州医学院直属单位,为医学院各学院、科研院所、附属医院以及纳米科学技术学院、材料与化学化工学部、体育学院、机电学院等学院及科研机构的教学、科研工作提供动物实验服务,是上述院系和科研机构承担各级科研项目的重要服务支撑和教学科研基地。
18新利体育 苏州医学院实验动物中心是集服务、教学和科研为一体的综合性服务机构,下设实验动物学教研室、动物生产办公室、对外合作办公室、质量管理办公室和综合管理办公室等部门。中心现有员工60名,其中高级职称4人,中级职称8人;博士研究生学历5人,硕士学历9人,涵盖实验动物及相关专业背景等。
中心现有实验动物屏障设施4500㎡,动物隔离和生物净化室200㎡,P2动物实验室150㎡,万级动物手术室150㎡,以及普通设施800㎡。另有实验动物质量检测实验室150㎡以及解剖实验室60㎡。中心已取得江苏省科学技术厅颁发的各类实验动物许可证共5个,包括SPF级大小鼠的生产许可证(SCXK(苏)2022-0008)以及大小鼠使用许可证(SYXK(苏) 2021-0065)、豚鼠、兔、猴、猪、犬、猫等动物的使用许可证(SYXK(苏) 2022-0043),为全校科研团队及周边地区提供合格规范的动物实验设施及场所。
中心已建成江苏省苏州医疗器械临床前研究与评价技术服务中心、苏州市动物实验研究重点实验室、苏州市实验动物产业科技服务平台等平台,常年开展生物医药、医疗器械等研发的动物实验和动物手术,并提供相应的技术咨询和培训服务,已和国内外多个单位建立良好合作关系。近年来,在学校和医学院的支持下,实验动物中心对实验基础条件进行全新升级改造,设施得到明显改善,实验动物中心平台建设迈出了坚实的一步。为满足我校高质量发展的需要,18新利体育 正在建设唐仲英模式动物大楼,建筑面积2.6万平方米,预计可容纳10万多笼位,将为我校的教学科研发展提供强有力的支撑和保障。
The Laboratory Animal Center of Soochow University (formerly the Laboratory Animal Center of Suzhou Medical College) was founded in 1987, and is directly affiliated to medical college of Soochow University. It is a main support department and teaching base for the affiliated hospitals of Soochow University, as well as FUNSUM College, sport College, the psychology department of education college, and etc.
The Laboratory animal center is an integrated service agencies containing service, teaching and scientific research. It is composed of animal experiment research department, comparative medicine teaching department, animal production and management department and comprehensive medical department. There are over 60 stuff in the laboratory animal center, including 4 senior-grade professional titles and 8 medium-gradeprofessional titles, 5 doctoral degree as well as 8 master degree. The professional field relates to experimental animals, veterinary medicine, and relevant majors.
The animal experimental facilities owns 4500 ㎡ SPF-grade laboratory animal facility, 10000-grade cleanliness operating room 150 ㎡, P2 laboratory room 150 ㎡, animal quarantine and cleaning room 100 ㎡, and common-grade big animal(pig, dog, monkey, cat, rabbit, guinea pig) area 800 ㎡. We have 5 certificated licenses authorized by Jiangsu science and Technology Department areas.
We provide experimental animals of different levels to the whole school, including more than 20 kinds of animals, such as SPF conventional strain rat, normal class guinea pig, New Zealand rabbit, beagle, miniature pig, as well as various kinds of gene modified animal models of immunodeficiency mice.We also provide technical services for the teaching and scientific research work of all teachers and students, such as animal surrogate breeding model making surgery experiment operation, training of biological purification embryo operation, and testing of experimental animal quality.
We undertake the teaching task of “medical laboratory animal courses” for undergraduate and graduate students of various specialties in the Medicine college, with more than 1000 teaching hours per year. We has obtained the master's degree in laboratory animal, training the master's students in this specialty direction. As the first continuing education base of the Chinese Society for Lab Animals as well as the training base for laboratory animal practitioners of Jiangsu Province, our center trains professional and technical personnel.
The laboratory animal center has established suzhou animal experimental research key laboratory, Jiangsu province medical instrument preclinical research and evaluation service center, Suzhou experimental animal industry science and technology service platform. In recent years, supported by Soochow University andthe medical college of Soochow University, the Cyrus tang experimental animalbuilding have been building, which containing about 26000 square meters,expected to stock approximately 100000 cages animals. It will accommodate the newneeds of life science research and provide stronger support for Soochow University even surrounding research organizations.