Dong Chen

Associate Professor, PhD supervisor

Hematology Center, Cyrus Tang Medical Institute, Soochow University
Office B616, Building 703
No.199 Ren’ai Road, Industrial Park District, 215124

Education Background:

2006~2010 B.S., Department of Bioscience, School of Life Sciences, Anhui University.
2010~2015 Ph.D., Department of Neurobiology, School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China.
2015~2020 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University School of Medicine, Mentor: Professor Jing Chen.

Research Direction and Long-term Goal:

Tumor cells show completely different metabolic pathway compared with normal cells by "reprogramming" and "rewiring". Our group focuses on studying the molecular mechanism and therapy strategies in "reprogramming" and "rewiring" of metabolic pathway and oncogenes. At present, we have three major cutting-edge directions:
1.Post transcription modification in "Reprogramming" and "rewiring" of tumor metabolic pathways.
2.Metabolites as signal molecules participate in the regulation of signal transduction pathways.
3.The relationship of special "tumor metabolites" and oncogene in leukemia.


Representative Publication:

1 Chen, D.; Li, Y. P.; Yu, Y. X.; Zhou, T.; Liu, C.; Fei, E. K.; Gao, F.; Mu, C. C.; Ren, H. G.; Wang, G. H., Dendritic cell nuclear protein-1 regulates melatonin biosynthesis by binding to BMAL1 and inhibiting the transcription of N-acetyltransferase in C6 cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2018, 39 (4), 597-606.
2. Chen, D.; Xia, S.; Wang, M.; Lin, R.; Li, Y.; Mao, H.; Aguiar, M.; Famulare, C. A.; Shih, A. H.; Brennan, C. W.; Gao, X.; Pan, Y.; Liu, S.; Fan, J.; Jin, L.; Song, L.; Zhou, A.; Mukherjee, J.; Pieper, R. O.; Mishra, A.; Peng, J.; Arellano, M.; Blum, W. G.; Lonial, S.; Boggon, T. J.; Levine, R. L.; Chen, J., Mutant and Wild-Type Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 Share Enhancing Mechanisms Involving Distinct Tyrosine Kinase Cascades in Cancer. Cancer Discov 2019, 9 (6), 756-777.
3. Chen, P. H.; Cai, L.; Huffman, K.; Yang, C.; Kim, J.; Faubert, B.; Boroughs, L.; Ko, B.; Sudderth, J.; McMillan, E. A.; Girard, L.; Chen, D.; Peyton, M.; Shields, M. D.; Yao, B.; Shames, D. S.; Kim, H. S.; Timmons, B.; Sekine, I.; Britt, R.; Weber, S.; Byers, L. A.; Heymach, J. V.; Chen, J.; White, M. A.; Minna, J. D.; Xiao, G.; DeBerardinis, R. J., Metabolic Diversity in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. Mol Cell 2019, 76 (5), 838-851 e5.
4. Gao, X.; Zhao, L.; Liu, S.; Li, Y.; Xia, S.; Chen, D.; Wang, M.; Wu, S.; Dai, Q.; Vu, H.; Zacharias, L.; DeBerardinis, R.; Lim, E.; Metallo, C.; Boggon, T. J.; Lonial, S.; Lin, R.; Mao, H.; Pan, Y.; Shan, C.; Chen, J., gamma-6-Phosphogluconolactone, a Byproduct of the Oxidative Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Contributes to AMPK Activation through Inhibition of PP2A. Mol Cell 2019, 76 (6), 857-871 e9.
5. Chen, D.; Xia, S.; Zhang, R.; Li, Y.; Famulare, C.; Fan, H.; Wu, R,; Wang, M.; Zhu, A.; Elf, S.; Su, R.; Dong, L.; Arellano, M.; Blum, W.; Mao, H., Lonial, S.; Stock, W.; Odenike, O.; LeBeau, M.; Boggon, T.; He, C.; Chen, J.J.; Gao, X.; Levine, R. L.; Chen, J., Lysine acetylation restricts mutant IDH2 activity to optimize transformation in AML cells. Mol Cell 2021, 81, 3833–3847. 
6. Zhang, R#., Chen, D#.; Fan,H.; Wu, R.; Li, Y.; Tu,J.;Zhang,F.; Wang,M,; Qu, C.; Elf, S.; Faubert, B.; Xue, G.; DeBerardinis, R.; Chen, J., Cellular signals converge at the NOX2-SHP-2 axis to induce reductive carboxylation. Cell Chem Biol 2022,29,1200-1208.(Co-first authors)