• Associate Professor, PhD supervisor

    • 1.Post transcription modification in "Reprogramming" and "rewiring" of tumor metabolic pathways.
    • 2.Metabolites as signal molecules participate in the regulation of signal transduction pathways.
    • 3.The relationship of special "tumor metabolites" and oncogene in leukemia.

  • Wei Deng, Ph.D.

      The structure and interaction of several important platelet membrane receptors including GPIb, GPVI, ADAM17/10, thrombin receptors and ADP receptors

  • Kesheng Dai, Ph.D.

      The roles of platelets in thrombosis, hemostasis, and other major diseases.

  • Yuhui Huang, Ph.D.

    • tumor microenvironment

  • Yulong He, Ph.D., Professor

    • Regulation of lymphatic and blood vascular network formation, remodeling, and valve development
    • Mechanism of tumor lymphangiogenesis, angiogenesis and metastasis
    • Metabolic regulation in vascular diseases and regeneration

  • Yaohua Song, M.D., Ph.D.

    • Molecular mechanisms of muscle wasting
    • Molecular markers for gastric cancer

  • Jiangrong Wang, Ph.D.

    • Blood aging and manufacturing

  • Qingyu Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

    • Role of cardiovascular proteases in regulating vascular and cardiac function

  • Yi Wu, M.D., Ph.D.

    • Molecular and cellular mechanisms of thrombosis
    • Role of plasma kallikrein-kinin system in thrombosis, vascular biology and inflammation
    • Recognition and uptake of apoptotic cells in innate immunity

  • Professor, PhD supervisor

      Erythropoiesis and Blood Disease Research

  • Professor, PhD supervisor

    • Gene therapy of cardiac ion channelopathy;
    • Identification of novel ion channels and their in vivo functions;
    • ATP-sensitive potassium channel trafficking and cardioprotection.

  • Lin Yang, Ph.D.

    • Immune cell therapy
    • CAR-T cell therapy
    • Study of the antitumor mechanism of γδ T cells
    • Translational medicine research in immuno-oncology

  • Li Zhu, M.D., Ph.D.

    • Thrombosis, hemostasis and vascular biology

  • Quansheng Zhou, Ph.D.

    • The mechanisms of tumor angiogenesis and anti-tumor angiogenic drug discovery

  • Yun Zhao, Ph.D.

    • Identification of the critical genes in the initiation and progression of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)