

报告人:潘挺睿教授 中国科学技术大学



潘挺睿教授是中国科学技术大学讲席教授,博士生导师,美国医学与生物工程院(AIMBE)和英国皇家化学学会(RSCFellow,国家高层次人才计划入选者,归国前为美国加州大学戴维斯分校终身正教授。在加州大学任职期间,潘挺睿教授创建了微纳创新实验室和“宏伟”国际研究交流计划,并担任微纳米制造中心主任教授。他曾同时兼任两份顶级国际生物医学工程核心期刊IEEE Transactions on Biomedical EngineeringAnnals of Biomedical Engineering副主编,并担任美国微纳米技术应用大赛(uCAN)的共同主席,国家科学基金会(NSF)的评审组专家。归国后,潘教授加入中国科学技术大学苏州高等研究院,筹建其首个医工交叉的新型研发机构—医疗器械创新研究院(iMED)。潘教授所带领的科研团队于2011年在国际上首次提出柔性离电传感机理(FITS|Flexible Iontronic Sensing),其拥有包括超高灵敏度,超薄柔性,超高光学透明度,环境可集成性等多项独特的性能优势,并成功应用于医疗器械、消费电子、新能源等领域,目前已成为第四代触觉感知的核心技术。


As the latest modality of tactile sensing technology, Flexible Iontronic Sensing, referred to as FITS, has been first proposed and successfully demonstrated in 2011.  The FITS technology, since its invention, has exhibited unique advantages in terms of its performance, including superhigh device sensitivity, ultrathin structural flexibility, superhigh optical transparency, as well as ubiquitous environmental integratability.  Therefore, it has been successfully applied to various emerging intelligent sensing scenarios in the field of medical devices, consumer electronics, and new energy fields, leading to the most promising sensing technology for emerging applications (Lab Chip, 2018, pp.217-248, and Adv Mater, 2020, 2003464, pp.1-25).  In particular, the iontronic sensing has illustrated its technical advantages in personalized wearable devices for clinical applications, where the small footprint, light weight, soft flexible interface along with high device sensitivity are demanded altogether.  Though it is still a long way to reshape how the healthcare is being delivered to general public, by applying the emerging technologies, such as FITS technology, to medicine, several interdisciplinary collaborative efforts can be shared with future bioengineers and clinicians.

