
Tel: 0512-65883375; 15962208862


1998.9-2002.6  18新利体育 化学化工学院学士

2002.9-2007.6  18新利体育 化学化工学院博士

2005.12-2006.12  新加坡南洋理工大学助理研究员

Research Associate, 新加坡科学院院士、马来西亚科学院院士Prof. Teck-Peng Loh

2007.8-2011.2  新加坡南洋理工大学博士后研究员

Research Fellow, 新加坡科学院院士、马来西亚科学院院士Prof. Teck-Peng Loh

2011.3-2011.12  德国慕尼黑大学博士后研究员

Research Fellow, 德国、法国、巴伐利亚科学院院士Prof. Paul Knochel

2012.1-2015.06  18新利体育 材料与化学化工学部副教授

2015.06-至今  18新利体育 材料与化学化工学部教授

学术经历: 2003年至今,在Chem. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Nature Commun., Chem. Sci., ACS Catal., Org. Lett., Chem. Commun., Adv. Synth. Catal., Chem. Eur. J., J. Org. Chem., Tetrahedron, Synlett/Synthesis等期刊上发表学术论文80余篇其中以第一作者、通讯联系人发表论文六十余篇。2006-2007年度苏州市自然科学论文一等奖;2007年18新利体育 优秀博士论文、2008年江苏省优秀博士论文、2009年全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖;2010年第六届亚欧金属促进反应会议优秀墙报奖;作为主要完成人参与的项目功能性有机分子的合成、性质及应用研究获得2010年中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步二等奖、2013年教育部高等学校18新利备用网站 优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖二等奖。目前主持、完成国家自然科学基金面上项目一项、国家自然科学基金应急项目一项、江苏省教育厅重大项目一项、国家自然科学基金青年基金一项、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金一项、江苏省有机合成重点实验室开放基金一项。


教学经历: 担任本科生强化班《Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry《有机化学实验》等课程的教学任务,2013年18新利体育 第十二届青年教师课堂教学竞赛三等奖。





1. Yi Fang, Torben Rogge, Lutz Ackermann, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

Nickel-catalyzed reductive thiolation and selenylation of unactivated alkyl bromides

Nature Communications 2018, 9, 2240. (SCI12.353)


2. Rong Zhang, Zheng-Yang Gu, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

Co(II)/Ag(I) Synergistically Catalyzed Mono-insertion Reaction of Isocyanide to Terminal Alkynes with H2O: Synthesis of Alkynamides Derivatives

Organic Letters 2018, 20, DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.8b02516 (SCI6.492)


3. Jing-Hao Li, Qi Huang,Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

Trisulfur Radical Anion (S3•−) Involved [1+2+2] and [1+3+1] Cycloaddition with Aromatic Alkynes: Synthesis of Tetraphenylthiophene and 2-Benzylidenetetrahydrothiophene Derivatives

Organic Letters 2018, 20, 4704-4708. (SCI6.492)


4. Huan Liu, Yi Fang, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

TEMPO-catalyzed aerobic oxidative selenium insertion reaction:synthesis of 3-selenylindole derivatives by multicomponent reaction of isocyanides, selenium powder, amines and indoles under transition metal-free conditions

Organic Letters 2018, 20, 930-933. (SCI6.492)

5. Fei Wang, Pei Xu,Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

Cu(II)/Ag(I)-Catalyzed Cascade Reaction of Sulfonylhydrazone with Anthranils: Synthesis of 2-Aryl-3-sulfonyl Substituted Quinoline Derivatives

Organic Letters 2018, 20, 2204-2207. (SCI6.492)


6. Bei-Bei Liu, Hui-Wen Bai, Huan Liu, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

[4+1] Cycloaddition Reaction of ,-alkynic Hydrazones and KSCN under Transition-Metal Free Conditions: Synthesis of N-Iminoisothiazolium Ylides

The Journal of Organic Chemistry2018, 84, DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.8b01725.(SCI4.805)


7. Bei-Bei Liu, Hui-Wen Bai, Huan Liu, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

A cascade trisulfur radical anion (S3•−) addition / electron de-tosylation process for the synthesis of 1,2,3-thiadiazoles and isothiazoles

The Journal of Organic Chemistry2018, 84, 10281-10288.(SCI4.805)


8. Zheng-Yang Gu, Rong Zhang, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

Cobalt(II)-Catalyzed Bis-isocyanides Insertion Reactions with Boric acids and Sulfonyl Azides via Nitrene Radical Coupling

Chinese Journal of Chemistry2018, 36, 1011-1016. (SCI2.378)


9. Fei Wang, Tian-Qi Wei, Pei Xu, Shun-Yi Wang * and Shun-Jun Ji*

Mn(III)-mediated radical cascade reaction of boronic acids with isocyanides: synthesis of diimide derivatives

Chinese Chemistry Letters2018, in press.(SCI2.631)

10. Zheng-Yang Gu,Yuan Liu,Fei Wang,Xiaoguang Bao,*Shun-Yi Wang,*and Shun-Jun Ji*

Cobalt(II)-Catalyzed Synthesis of Sulfonyl Guanidines via Nitrene Radical Coupling with Isonitriles: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study

ACS Catalysis2017, 7, 3893−3899.(SCI11.384)






11. Yi Fang, Zheng-Lin Zhu, Pei Xu, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Aerobic Radical-Cascade Cycloaddition of Isocyanides, Selenium and Imidamides: Facile Access to 1,2,4-Selenadiazoles under Metal-Free Conditions, Green Chemistry 2017, 19, 1613-1618. (SCI8.506)

12. Pei Xu, Fei Wang, Tian-Qi Wei, Ling Yin, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

Palladium-catalyzed Incorporation of Two C1 Building Blocks: The Reaction of Atmospheric CO2 and Isocyanides with 2-Iodoanilines Leading to an Synthesis of Quinazoline-2,4(1H,3H)-diones

Organic Letters 2017, 19, 4484-4487. (SCI6.492)


13. Zheng-Yang Gu, Jing-Hao Li, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*

Cobalt(II)-Catalyzed Bis-isocyanides Insertion Reactions with Sulfonyl Azides via Nitrene RadicalChemoselective Synthesis of The Sulfonylamidyl amide and 3-Imine Indole Derivatives

Chemical Communications 2017, 53, 11713-11716. (SCI5.123)


14. Fang-Hui Li, Zhong-Jian Cai, Ling Yin, Jian Li, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*Silver-Catalyzed Regioselective Fluorination of Carbonyl Directed Alkynes: Synthesis of α-Fluoroketones

Organic Letters 2017, 19, 1662-1665. (SCI6.492)


15. Tian Jiang,Zheng-Yang Gu,Ling Yin,Shun-Yi Wang*and Shun-Jun Ji*

Cobalt(II)-Catalyzed Isocyanide Insertion Reaction with Sulfonyl Azides in Alcohols: Synthesis of Sulfonyl Isoureas

The Journal of Organic Chemistry2017, 82, 7913–7919.(SCI4.805)

16. Huan Liu, YiFang,Ling Yin,Shun-Yi Wang* and Shun-Jun Ji*

Copper(I)-Catalyzed Ligand-Promoted Multicomponent Reactions of Isocyanides, Selenium, Amines and Iodoarenes: Access to Highly Functionalized Carbamimidoselenoates

The Journal of Organic Chemistry2017, 82, 10866-0874. (SCI4.805)


17. Bei-Bei Liu,Xue-Qiang Chu, Huan Liu, Ling Yin,Shun-Yi Wang*and Shun-Jun Ji*

Aqueous reaction of alcohols, organohalides and odourless sodium thiosulfate under transition metal-free conditions: synthesis of unsymmetrical aryl sulfides via dual C-S bond formation

The Journal of Organic Chemistry2017, 82, 10174-10180. (SCI4.805)



18. Zheng-Yang Gu, Cheng-Guo Liu, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Cobalt-Catalyzed Annulation of Amides with Isocyanides via C(sp2)−H Activation, Journal of Organic Chemistry2017, 82, 2223−2230.(SCI4.805)


19. Zheng-Yang Gu, Jia-Jia Cao, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji*The Involvement of the Trisulfur Radical Anion in Electron-Catalyzed Sulfur Insertion Reactions: Facile Synthesis of Benzothiazine Derivatives under Transition Metal-free Conditions, Chemical Science2016, 7, 4067-4072. (SCI9.063)


20. Zheng-Yang Gu, Cheng-Guo Liu, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Pd-Catalyzed Intramolecular Heck Reaction, C(sp2)−H Activation, 1,4-Pd Migration and Aminopalladation: Chemoselective Synthesis of Dihydroindeno[1,2,3-kl]acridines and 3-Arylindoles, Organic Letters 2016, 18, 2379-2382. (SCI6.492)


21. Zhong-Jian Cai, Fang-Hui Li, Shun-Yi Wang* and Shun-Jun Ji*Palladium-Catalyzed Cascade Arene/Alkyne Annulation: Synthesis of Fluorene-Benzoxazine Derivatives, Organic Letters 2016, 18, 4810-4813. (SCI6.492)


22. Jian Li, Zhong-Jian Cai, Shun-Yi Wang* and Shun-Jun Ji* tetra-n-Butylammonium iodide mediated reaction of indoles with Bunte salts: efficient 3-sulfenylation of indoles under metal-free and oxidant-free conditions, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry2016, 14, 9384-9387.(SCI3.423)


23. Pei Xu, Tong-Hao Zhu, Tian-Qi Wei, Shun-Yi Wang* and Shun-Jun Ji* Co(acac)2/O2‑Catalyzed Oxidative Isocyanide Insertion with 2-Vinylanilines: Efficient Synthesis of 2-Aminoquinolines, RSC Advances 2016, 6, 32467-32470.(SCI3.289)


24. Tian-Qi Wei, Pei Xu, Shun-Yi Wang, * and Shun-Jun Ji * I2/CHP-Mediated Oxidative Coupling of 2-Aminobenzamides and Isocyanides: Access to 2-Aminoquinazolinones, European Journal of Organic Chemistry2016, 5393-5398. (SCI2.882)


25. Cheng-Guo Liu, Zheng-Yang Gu,Hui-Wen Bai, Shun-Yi Wang* and Shun-Jun Ji* Isocyanide insertion approach to substituted pyrrolo[2,3-b]quinolines under metal-free and azide-free conditions, Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2016, 3, 1299-1303. (SCI5.455)


26. Zhong-Jian Cai, Chao Yang, Shun-Yi Wang,*Shun-Jun Ji, * Palladium-Catalyzed Highly Regioselective 6-Exo-Dig Cyclization and Alkenylation of ortho-Ethynylanilides: Synthesis of Polyene-Substituted Benzo[d][1,3]oxazines Chemical Communications2015, 51, 14267-14270.(SCI 5.123)


27. Zhong-Jian Cai, Chao Yang,Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Palladium-catalyzed Regioselective C-H Acylation of Biaryl-2-amines The Journal of Organic Chemistry2015, 80, 7928-7936. (SCI4.805)


28. Hui-Wen Bai, Zhong-Jian Cai, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Aerobic Oxidative Cycloaddition of α-Chlorotosylhydrazones with Arylamines: General Chemoselective Construction of 1,4-Disubstituted and 1,5-Disubstituted 1,2,3-Triazoles under Metal-free and Azide-free Conditions Organic Letters 2015, 17, 17, 2898-2901. (SCI6.492)


29. Tong-Hao Zhu,Shun-Yi Wang,* Yang-Qing Tao, and Shun-Jun Ji* Synthesis of Carbodiimides by I2/CHP Mediated Cross Coupling Reaction of Isocyanides withAmines under Metal-free Conditions Organic Letters 2015, 17, 1974-1977.(SCI6.492)


30. Tong-Hao Zhu,Shun-Yi Wang,* Tian-Qi Wei,and Shun-Jun Ji* Cobalt-Catalyzed Intermolecular Oxidative Isocyanide Insertion with Two Amines:An Approach to Guanidines Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2015,358,823-828. (SCI5.123)


31. Yi Fang, Shun-Yi Wang,* Xiao-Bin Shen and Shun-Jun Ji* Base-Promoted Cascade Reaction of Isocyanides, Selenium and Amines: A Practical Approach to2-aminobenzo[d][1,3]selenazines Under Metal-free Conditions

Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2015, 2, 1338-1341.(SCI5.455)


32. Tong-Hao Zhu, Tian-Qi Wei, Shun-Yi Wang* and Shun-jun Ji* NIS/CHP Mediated Reaction of Isocyanides with Hydrazones: Access to Aminopyrazoles

Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2015, 2, 259-264.(SCI5.455)


33. Zheng-Yang Gu, Tong-Hao Zhu,  Jia-Jia Cao, Xiao-Ping Xu, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Palladium-catalyzed Cascade Reactions of Isocyanides with Enaminones: Synthesis of 4-Aminoquinoline Derivatives ACS Catalysis2014, 4, 49-52. Invited paper: Virtual special issue on cascade catalysis. (SCI11.384)


34. Jia-Jia Cao, Tong-Hao Zhu, Shun-Yi Wang*, Zheng-Yang Gu, Xiang Wang and Shun-Jun Ji*tert-Butyl benzoperoxoate (TBPB) Mediated 2-Isocyanobiaryls Insertion with 1,4-Dioxane: Efficient Synthesis of 6-Alkyl Phenathridines via C(sp3)-H/C(sp2)-H Bond Functionalization Chemical Communications2014, 50, 6439-6442. Front cover picture paper.(SCI5.123)英国皇家化学学会RSC2015“ TOP1%高被引中国作者论文。

35. Jia-Jia Cao, Xiang Wang, Shun-Yi Wang*, and Shun-Jun Ji* Mn(III)-mediated Reactions of 2-Isocyanobiaryl with 1, 3-Dicarbonyl Compounds: Efficient Synthesis of 6-Alkylated and 6-Monofluoro-alkylated Phenanthridines Chemical Communications2014, 50, 12892-12895.(SCI5.123)


36. You Zi†, Zhong-Jian Cai†, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Synthesis of Isatins by I2/TBHP Mediated Oxidation of Indoles Organic Letters 2014, 16, 3094-3097. Top 20 most read article of the month from Organic Letters. (SCI 6.492)

37. Zhong-Jian Cai, Xin-Mou Lu, You Zi, Chao Yang, Ling-Jie Shen, Jian Li, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* I2/TBPB Mediated Oxidative [4+1]-Cycloaddition of N-Tosylhydrazones with Anilines: Practical Construction of 1,2,3-Triazoles under Metal-free and Azide-free Conditions Organic Letters 2014, 16, 5108-5111. Top 20 most read article of the month from Organic Letters. (SCI 6.492)

38. Tong-Hao Zhu, Shun-Yi Wang,* Yang-Qing Tao, Tian-Qi Wei and Shun-Jun Ji* Co(acac)2/O2-Mediated Oxidative Isocyanide Insertion with 2-Aryl Anilines: Efficient Synthesis of 6-Amino Phenanthridine Derivatives Organic Letters 2014, 16, 1260-1263. (SCI 6.492)

39. Tong-Hao Zhu,Xiao-Ping Xu, Jia-Jia Cao, Tian-Qi Wei, Shun-Yi Wang* and Shun-Jun Ji* Co(II)-catalyzed Isocyanide Insertion Reaction With Amines under Ultrasonic Conditions: A Divergent Synthesis of Ureas, Thioureas and Azaheterocycles Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2014,356, 509-518. (SCI5.123)

40. Xiang Wang,Shun-Yi Wang,*and Shun-Jun Ji* Chemoselective Synthesis of Polycyclic Spiroindolines and Polysubstituted Pyrrolesvia 2-Isocyanoethylindoles Based Domino Reaction The Journal of Organic Chemistry2014, 79, 8577-8583.(SCI4.805)

41. Xiang Wang, Xiao-Ping Xu, Shun-Yi Wang,* Weiqun Zhou and Shun-Jun Ji* Highly Efficient Chemoselective Synthesis of Polysubstituted Pyrroles via Isocyanide-Based Multicomponent Domino Reaction Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 4246-4249. (SCI 6.492)

42. Xiang Wang, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Isocyanide-Based Multicomponent Reactions: Catalyst-Free Stereoselective Construction of Polycyclic Spiroindolines Org. Lett.2013, 15, 1954-1957. (SCI 6.492)

43. Zhong-Jian Cai,Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* I2/TBHP-Catalyzed Chemo-selective Amination of Indoles Organic Letters 2013, 15, 5226-5229. (SCI 6.492)

44. Wen-Juan Hao, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Iodine-catalyzed Cascade Formal [3+3] Cycloaddition Reaction of Indolyl Alcohol Derivatives with Enaminones: Constructions of Functionalized Spiro-dihydro-carbolines ACS Catalysis2013, 3, 2501-2504. (SCI11.384)

45. Tong-Hao Zhu, Shun-Yi Wang,* Gao-Nan Wang and Shun-Jun Ji* Cobalt-catalyzed Oxidative Isocyanide Insertion to Amine Based Bisnucleophiles: Diverse Synthesis of Substituted 2-Aminobenzimidazoles, 2-Aminobenzothiazoles, and 2-Aminobenzoxazoles Chem.-Eur. J.2013, 19, 5850-5853. (SCI5.160)

46. Zhi-Liang Shen, Shun-Yi Wang, Yew-Keong Chok, Yun-He Xu and Teck-Peng Loh* Organoindium Reagents: the Preparation and Application in Organic Synthesis Chem. Rev.2013, 113, 271−401.(SCI52.613)

47. Li-Li Zhao, Shun-Yi Wang*, Xiao-Ping Xu and Shun-Jun Ji* Dual 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of carbon dioxide: two C=O bonds of CO2 react in one reaction Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 2569-2571. (SCI5.123)

48. Wen-Juan Hao, Xiao-Ping Xu, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* I2/O2-Copromoted Domino Reactions of Isatins or 3-Hydroxyindolin-2-one Derivatives with Enaminones The Journal of Organic Chemistry2013,78, 12362–12373.(SCI4.805)

49. Zhong-Jian Cai, Shun-Yi Wang* and Shun-Jun Ji* CuI/BF3•Et2O Cocatalyzed Aerobic Dehydrogenative Reactions Applied in the Synthesis of Substituted Heteroaromatic Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis2013,355, 2686-2692. (SCI5.123)

50. Zhong-Jian Cai, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* CuI/BF3•Et2O Co-Catalyzed Aerobic Dehydrogenative Reactions of Ketones with Benzylamines: Facile Synthesis of Substituted Imidazoles Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 6068-6071. (SCI 6.492)

51. Wen-Juan Hao, Xiao-Ping Xu, Hui-Wen Bai, Shun-Yi Wang,* and Shun-Jun Ji* Efficient Multicomponent Strategy to Pentacyclic Pyrazole-Fused Naphtho[1,8-fg]-isoquinolines through Cleavage of Two Carbon-Carbon Bonds Org. Lett.2012, 14, 4894-4897. (SCI 6.492)




52. Shun-Yi Wang,† Ping Song,† Li-Yan Chan and Teck-Peng Loh* Total Synthesis of Phytophora Mating Hormone α1 Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 5166-5169.(SCI 6.492)

53. Shun-Yi Wang, Ping Song, Yen-Jin Chin, and Teck-Peng Loh* A General Strategy for the Introduction of Stereogenic Centers Bearing Methyl Group: Total Synthesis of Sex Pheromones Chem.-Asian. J. 2011, 6, 385-388. (SCI 4.592)

54. Shun-Yi Wang and Teck-Peng Loh* Cu(I)-Tol-BINAP-Catalyzed Asymmetric Conjugate Addition of Grignard Reagents to α,β−Unsaturated Esters Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 8694-8703.(SCI5.123)

55. Shun-Yi Wang, Ping Song and Teck-Peng Loh* Excess Phosphine Ligand Plays A Critical Role in The Asymmetric CuI-Catalyzed Conjugate Addition of Grignard Reagents to α,β-Unsaturated Esters Adv. Syn. Catal. 2010, 352, 3185-3189.(SCI5.123)

56. Shun-Yi Wang, Chin Yen-Jin, Teck-Peng Loh* Synthesis of C13-C23 fragment of Iriomoteolide-1a. Synthesis 2009, 3557-3564.(SCI2.652)

57. Shun-Yi Wang, Lum, Tze-Keong, Shun-Jun Ji, Teck-Peng Loh* Highly efficient copper(I) iodide-tolyl-BINAP-catalyzed asymmetric conjugate addition of methylmagnesium bromide to alpha,beta-unsaturated esters Adv. Syn. Catal. 2008, 350, 673-677.(SCI5.123)

58. Shun-Yi Wang, Shun-Jun Ji*, Teck-Peng Loh* Cu(I) Tol-BINAP-Catalyzed Enantioselective Michael Reactions of Grignard reagents and Unsaturated Esters J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 276-277.(SCI13.038)