      国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,英国皇家化学会会士,Polymer Chemistry副主编
  Tel:  +86-512-65880827
  Fax: +86-512-65880583
  Email: chenh@suda.edu.cn


20016月获南京大学化学化工学院高分子化学与物理专业博士学位。200110月至20045月在加拿大McMaster大学做博士后。20045月至200912月回国任武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院高分子系及材料复合新技术国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师。20101月受聘于18新利体育 材料化学与化工学部特聘教授,建立了“大分子与生物表界面”重点实验室2012年,受邀担任Elsevier期刊Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces编辑三年后,2016年受邀成为英国皇家化学会期刊Polymer Chemistry副主编。2014年入选英国皇家化学会会士(Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry),目前担任中国化学会理事,中国生物材料学会理事,江苏省化学化工学会常任理事,江苏省化学化工学会高分子化学与物理专业委员会主任委员,苏州市化学化工学会理事会理事长,苏州市政协委员。近五年来主持国家杰出青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目、重大国际合作项目、面上项目、科技部973 前期专项基金等十余项。2005年获得“湖北省杰出青年人才基金”资助,2006年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才资助计划”,2010年获得“江苏省高层次创新创业人才资助计划”,2011年获得“国家杰出青年科学基金项目”资助。2012年获得江苏省优秀科研工作者、江苏省青年科技奖,同年作为团队领军人获得江苏省创新团队的支持。 2013年成为江苏省“333”高层次人才培养工程第二层次培养对象。2015年荣获江苏省留学回国先进个人。









1. Ting Wei, Qian Yu*, Wenjun Zhan, Hong Chen*. A Smart Antibacterial Surface for the On-Demand Killing and Releasing of Bacteria.Advanced Healthcare Materials,2016, 5,449-456.

2.  Xiaowen Lu, Wei Liu, Zhaoqiang Wu*, Xinhong Xiong, Qi Liu, Wenjun Zhan, Hong Chen*. Substrate-independent, Schiff base interactions to fabricate lysine-functionalized surfaces with fibrinolytic activity.Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2016, 4, 1458-1465.

3. Wenjun Zhan, Xiujuan Shi, Qian Yu*, Zhonglin Lyu, Limin Cao, Hui Du, Qi Liu, Xin Wang, Gaojian Chen, Dan Li, John L. Brash, Hong Chen*. Bioinspired Blood Compatible Surface Having Combined Fibrinolytic and Vascular Endothelium-Like Properties via a Sequential Coimmobilization Strategy.Advanced Functional Materials,2015, 25, 5206-5213.

4. Xinhong Xiong, Zhaoqiang Wu*, Qian Yu, Lulu Xue, Jun Du, Hong Chen*. Reversible Bacterial Adhesion on Mixed Poly (dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)/ Poly (acrylamidophenyl boronic acid) Brush Surfaces.Langmuir,2015,31, 12054-12060.

5. Yuecheng Cui, Feng Liu, Xin Li, Lei Wang, Hongwei Wang*, Gaojian Chen, Lin Yuan, John L. Brash, Hong Chen*. Improvement in the Thermal Stability of Pyrophosphatase by Conjugation to Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): Application to the Polymerase Chain Reaction.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2015, 7, 21913-21918.

6. Mengmeng Wang, Zhonglin Lv, Gaojian Chen, Hongwei Wang, Yuqi Yuan, Kaiguo Ding, Qian Yu, Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen*. A New Avenue to the Synthesis of GAG-mimicking Polymers Highly Promoting Neural Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells.Chemical Communications,2015, 51, 15434-15437.

7. Qi Liu, Dan Li*, Wenjun Zhan, Yafei Luan, Hui Du, Xiaoli Liu, John L. Brash, Hong Chen*. Surface having dual affinity for plasminogen and tissue plasminogen activator: in situ plasmin generation and clot lysis.Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2015, 3, 6939-6944.

8. Zengchao Tang, Yafei Luan, Dan Li*, Hui Du, David Haddleton, Hong Chen*. Surface immobilization of protease through an inhibitor-derived affinity ligand: a bioactive surface with defensive properties against inhibitor.Chemical Communications,2015, 51, 14263-14266.

9. Zengchao Tang, Dan Li*, Yafei Luan, Lijuan Zhu, Hui Du, Yunwen Tao, Yanwei Wang, David Haddleton, Hong Chen*. Conjugation of polymers to proteins through an inhibitor-derived peptide: taking up the inhibitor "berth". Chemical Communications, 201551, 10099-10102.

10. Xiujuan Shi, Wenjun Zhan, Gaojian Chen*, Qian Yu, Qi Liu, Hui Du, Limin Cao, Xiaoli Liu, Lin Yuan, Hong Chen*. Regulation of Protein Binding Capability of Surfaces via Host–Guest Interactions: Effects of Localized and Average Ligand Density. Langmuir, 201531, 6172-6178.

11. Lulu Xue, Zhonglin Lv, Yafei Luan, Xinhong Xiong, Jingjing Pan, Gaojian Chen*, Hong Chen*. Efficient Cancer Cell Capturing SiNWAs Prepared via Surface-Initiated SET-LRP and Click Chemistry. Polymer Chemistry, 20156, 3708-3715.

12. Lei Wang, Xin Li, Lin Yuan*, Hongwei Wang, Hong Chen*, John L. Brash. Improving the protein activity and stability under acidic conditions via site-specific conjugation of a pH-responsive polyelectrolyte. Journal of Materials Chemistry B2015, 3, 498-504.

13. Zengchao Tang, Dan Li*, Xiaojing Wang, Hua Gong, Yafei Luan, Zhuang Liu, John L. Brash, Hong Chen*. A t-PA/nanoparticle conjugate with fully retained enzymatic activity and prolonged circulation time. Journal of Materials Chemistry B2015, 3, 977-982.

14. Feng Liu, Lei Wang, Hongwei Wang, Lin Yuan*, Jingwen Li, John Law Brash, Hong Chen*. Modulating the Activity of Protein Conjugated to Gold Nanoparticles by Site-directed Orientation and Surface Density of Bound Protein. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 3717-3724.

15. Jingwen Li, Zhonglin Lyv, Yanli Li, Huan Liu, Jinkui Wang, Wenjun Zhan, Hong Chen*, Huabing Chen*, Xinming Li*. A theranostic prodrug delivery system based on Pt (IV) conjugated nano-graphene oxide with synergistic effect to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of Pt drug. Biomaterials, 2015, 51, 12-21.

16. Qian Yu, Huan Liu, Hong Chen*. Vertical SiNWAs for Biomedical and Biotechnology Applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry B20142, 7849-7860.

17. Weikang Yang, Zengchao Tang, Yafei Luan, Wei Liu, Dan Li*, Hong Chen*. Thermoresponsive copolymer decorated surface enables controlling the adsorption of a target protein in plasma. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces20146, 10146-10152.

18. Lulu Xue, Zhonglin Lyu, Xiujuan Shi, Zengchao Tang, Gaojian Chen*, Hong Chen*. Fast and Green Synthesis of Smart Glyco-Surface via Aqueous Single Electron Transfer-Living Radical Polymerization. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2014215, 1491-1497.

19. Xiaojing Wang, Huan Liu, Jingwen Li, Kaiguo Ding, Zhonglin Lv, Yonggang Yang, Hong Chen*, Xinming Li*. A Fluorogenic Probe with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics for Carboxylesterase Assay through Formation of Supramolecular Microfibers. Chemistry – An Asian Journal20149, 784-789.

20. Lei Wang, Lin Yuan, Hongwei Wang*, Xiaoli Liu, Xinming Li, Hong Chen*. A new strategy for reversible modulation of protein activity through site-specific conjugation of small molecule and polymer. Bioconjugate Chemistry201425, 1252-1260.

21. Zengchao Tang, Dan Li*, Xiaojing Wang, Hua Gong, Yafei Luan, Zhuang Liu, John L. Brash, Hong Chen*. A t-PA/nanoparticle conjugate with fully retained enzymatic activity and prolonged circulation time. Journal of Materials Chemistry B20143, 977-982.

22. Xiujuan Shi, Gaojian Chen*, Lin Yuan, Zengchao Tang, Wei Liu, Qiang Zhang, David Haddleton, Hong Chen*. Integrating thermoresponsive copolymer with host-guest interactions for fabricating molecular recognition surfaces. Materials Horizons, 20141, 540-545.

23. Zhonglin Lyu, Hongwei Wang, Yanyun Wang, Kaiguo Ding, Huan Liu, Lin Yuan*, Xiujuan Shi, Mengmeng Wang, Yanwei Wang, Hong Chen*. Maintaining the pluripotency of mouse embryonic stem cells on gold nanoparticle layers with nanoscale but not microscale surface roughness. Nanoscale20146, 6959-6969.

24. Xiaoli Liu, Lin Yuan, Dan Li, Zengchao Tang, Yanwei Wang, Gaojian Chen, Hong Chen*, John L Brash*. Blood compatible materials: state of the art. Journal of Materials Chemistry B20142, 5718-5738.

25. Wei Liu, Zhaoqiang Wu*, Yanyun Wang, Zengchao Tang, Jun Du, Lin Yuan, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. Controlling the biointerface of electrospun mats for clot lysis: an engineered tissue plasminogen activator link to a lysine-functionalized surface. Journal of Materials Chemistry B20142, 4272-4279.

26. Xin Li, Lei Wang, Gaojian Chen*, David M. Haddleton, Hong Chen*. Visible light induced fast synthesis of protein-polymer conjugates: controllable polymerization and protein activity. Chemical Communications201450, 6506-6508.

27. Dan Li, Qing Zheng, Yanwei Wang*, Hong Chen*. Combining surface topography with polymer chemistry: exploring new interfacial biological phenomena. Polymer Chemistry20145, 14-24.

28. Hongyan Lei, Mengmeng Wang, Zengchao Tang, Yafei Luan, Wei Liu, Bo Song*, Hong Chen*. Control of Lysozyme Adsorption by pH on Surfaces Modified with Polyampholyte Brushes. Langmuir201430, 501-508.

29. Kaiguo Ding, Yanyun Wang, Hongwei Wang, Lin Yuan*, Min Tan, Xiujuan Shi, Zhonglin Lyu, Yan Liu, Hong Chen*. 6-O-sulfated chitosan promoting the neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2014, 6, 20043-20050.

30. Jun Zheng, Dan Li*, Lin Yuan, Xiaoli Liu, Hong Chen*. Lotus-Leaf-Like Topography Predominates over Adsorbed ECM Proteins in Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) Surface/Cell Interactions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 20135, 5882-5887.

31. Hongwei Wang*, Wenwen Jiang, Yanwei Wang, Xiaoli Liu, Jianlin Yao, Lin Yuan, Zhaoqiang Wu, Dan Li, Bo Song, Hong Chen*. Catalase-like and Peroxidase-like Catalytic Activities of Silicon Nanowire Arrays. Langmuir201329, 3-7.

32. Yanyun Wang, Feng Zhou, Xiaoli Liu*, Lin Yuan, Dan Li, Yanwei Wang, Hong Chen*. Aptamer-Modified Micro/Nanostructured Surfaces: Efficient Capture of Ramos Cells in Serum Environment. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 20135, 3816-3823.

33. Hongwei Wang, Yanwei Wang, Lin Yuan*, Lei Wang, Weikang Yang, Zhaoqiang Wu, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. Thermally responsive silicon nanowire arrays for native/denatured-protein separation. Nanotechnology201324, 105101-105108.

34. Hongwei Wang, Wenwen Jiang, Lin Yuan*, Lei Wang, Hong Chen*. Reductase-like Activity of Silicon Nanowire Arrays. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces20135, 1800-1805.

35. Zengchao Tang, Xiaoli Liu, Yafei Luan, Wei Liu, Zhaoqiang Wu, Dan Li*, Hong Chen*. Regulation of fibrinolytic protein adsorption on polyurethane surfaces by modification with lysine-containing copolymers. Polymer Chemistry20134, 5597-5602.

36. Zengchao Tang, Dan Li, Xiaoli Liu, Zhaoqiang Wu*, Wei Liu, John L. Brash, Hong Chen*. Vinyl-monomer with lysine side chains for preparing copolymer surfaces with fibrinolytic activity. Polymer Chemistry20134, 1583-1589.

37. Xiaoli Liu, Yajun Xu, Zhaoqiang Wu*, Hong Chen*. Poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone)-Modified Surfaces for Biomedical Applications. Macromolecular Bioscience201313, 147-154.

38. Huan Liu, Zhonglin Lv, Kaiguo Ding, Xiaoli Liu, Lin Yuan, Hong Chen*, Xinming Li*. Incorporation of tyrosine phosphate into tetraphenylethylene affords an amphiphilic molecule for alkaline phosphatase detection, hydrogelation and calcium mineralization. Journal of Materials Chemistry B20131, 5550-5556.

39. Xin Li, Mengmeng Wang, Lei Wang, Xiujuan Shi, Yajun Xu, Bo Song, Hong Chen*. Block copolymer modified surfaces for conjugation of biomacromolecules with control of quantity and activity. Langmuir201329, 1122-1128.

40. Dan Li, Shasha Wang, Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*, John L. Brash. A new t-PA releasing concept based on protein-protein displacement. Soft Matter20139, 2321-2328.

41. Feng Zhou, Lin Yuan*, Dan Li, He Huang, Taolei Sun, Hong Chen*. Cell adhesion on chiral surface: The role of protein adsorption. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201290, 97-101.

42. Feng Zhou, Mengmeng Wang, Lin Yuan*, Zhenping Cheng, Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*. Sensitive sandwich ELISA based on a gold nanoparticle layer for cancer detection. Analyst2012137, 1779-1784.

43. Feng Zhou, Dan Li, Zhaoqiang Wu, Bo Song, Lin Yuan*, Hong Chen*. Enhancing Specific Binding of L929 Fibroblasts: Effects of Multi-Scale Topography of GRGDY Peptide Modified Surfaces. Macromolecular Bioscience201212, 1391-1400.

44. Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*, Xiaoli Liu, John L. Brash*. Protein-resistant and fibrinolytic polyurethane surfaces.Macromolecular Bioscience201212, 126-131.

45. Hongwei Wang, Lei Wang, Lin Yuan*, Weikang Yang, John L Brash, Hong Chen*. Inhibitory effect of silicon nanowires on the polymerase chain reaction. Nanotechnology201223, 365101-365106.

46. Xiujuan Shi, Yanyun Wang, Dan Li, Lin Yuan*, Feng Zhou, Yanwei Wang, Bo Song, Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*, John L. Brash. Cell Adhesion on a POEGMA-Modified Topographical Surface. Langmuir201228, 17011-17018.

47. Zhaoqiang Wu, Weifang Tong, Wenwen Jiang, Xiaoli Liu, Yanwei Wang, Hong Chen*. Poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone)-modified poly (dimethylsiloxane) elastomers as anti-biofouling materials. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201296, 37-43.

48. Xiaoli Liu, Kai Sun, Zhaoqiang. Wu*, Jianhong Lu, Bo Song, Weifang Tong, Xiujuan Shi, Hong Chen*. Facile Synthesis of Thermally Stable Poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone)-Modified Gold Surfaces by Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization.Langmuir201228, 9451-9459.

49. Feng Zhou, Lin Yuan*, Hongwei Wang, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. Gold Nanoparticle Layer: A Promising Platform for Ultra-Sensitive Cancer Detection. Langmuir201127, 2155-2158.

50. Tieliang Zhao, Hong Chen*, Jun Zheng, Qian Yu, Zhaoqiang Wu, Lin Yuan. Inhibition of protein adsorption and cell adhesion on PNIPAAm-grafted polyurethane surface: Effect of graft molecular weight. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201185, 26-31.

51. Yanxia Zhang, Bei'er Lv, Zhongyuan Lu, Jian'an He, Shen Zhang, Hong Chen*, Hongwei Ma*. Predicting Au-S bond breakage from the swelling behavior of surface tethered polyelectrolytes. Soft Matter20117, 11496-11500.

52. Lin Yuan, Qian Yu, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. Surface modification to control protein/surface interactions. Macromolecular Bioscience201111, 1031-1040.

53. Lin Yuan, Hongwei Wang, Qian Yu, Zhaoqiang Wu, John L. Brash, Hong Chen*. "Nano-catalyst" for DNA transformation.Journal of Materials Chemistry201121, 6148-6151.

54. Qian Yu, Yanxia Zhang, Hongwei Wang, John Brash, Hong Chen*. Anti-fouling bioactive surfaces. Acta Biomaterialia2011, 7, 1550-1557.

55. Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*, Dan Li, John L. Brash*. Tissue plasminogen activator-containing polyurethane surfaces for fibrinolytic activity. Acta Biomaterialia20117, 1993-1998.

56. Lei Wang, Hongwei Wang, Lin Yuan*, Weikang Yang, Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*. Step-wise control of protein adsorption and bacterial attachment on a nanowire array surface: tuning surface wettability by salt concentration. Journal of Materials Chemistry201121, 13920-13925.

57. Hongwei Wang, Lei Wang, Pengchao Zhang, Lin Yuan, Qian Yu, Hong Chen*. High antibacterial efficiency of pDMAEMA modified silicon nanowire arrays. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201183, 355-359.

58. Dan Li, Hong Chen*, Shasha Wang, Zhaoqiang Wu, John L. Brash. Lysine-poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) modified polyurethane surface with high lysine density and fibrinolytic activity. Acta Biomaterialia20117, 954-958.

59. Dan Li, Hong Chen, John L. Brash*. Mimicking the fibrinolytic system on material surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201186, 1-6.

60. He Huang*, Jing Xie, Xiaoli Liu, Lin Yuan, Shasha Wang, Songxi Guo, Haoran Yu, Hong Chen*, Yanliang Zhang, Xiaohu Wu. Conformational Changes of Protein Adsorbed on Tailored Flat Substrates with Different Chemistries. ChemPhysChem, 201112, 3642-3646.

61. Jun Zheng, Wei Song, He Huang, Hong Chen*. Protein adsorption and cell adhesion on polyurethane/Pluronic® surface with lotus leaf-like topography. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201077, 234-239.

62. Yanxia Zhang, Qian Yu, He Huang*, Feng Zhou, Zhaoqiang Wu, Lin Yuan, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. A surface decorated with diblock copolymer for biomolecular conjugation. Soft Matter20106, 2616-2618.

63. Qian Yu, Yanxia Zhang, Hong Chen*, Feng Zhou, Zhaoqiang Wu, He Huang, John L. Brash. Protein Adsorption and Cell Adhesion/Detachment Behavior on Dual-Responsive Silicon Surfaces Modified with Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)-block-polystyrene Copolymer. Langmuir201026, 8582-8588.

64. Qian Yu, Yanxia Zhang, Hong Chen*, Zhaoqiang Wu, He Huang, Chi Cheng. Protein adsorption on poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)-modified silicon surfaces: Effects of grafted layer thickness and protein size. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201076, 468-474.

65. Qian Yu, Hong Chen*, Yanxia Zhang, Lin Yuan, Tieliang Zhao, Xin Li, Hongwei Wang. PH-Reversible, High-Capacity Binding of Proteins on a Substrate with Nanostructure. Langmuir201026, 17812-17815.

66. Xiaoli Liu, Zhaoqiang Wu*, Feng Zhou, Dan Li, Hong Chen*. Poly (vinylpyrrolidone-b-styrene) block copolymers tethered surfaces for protein adsorption and cell adhesion regulation. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201079, 452-459.

67. Jinbo Gan, Hong Chen*, Feng Zhou, He Huang, Jun Zheng, Wei Song, Lin Yuan, Zhaoqiang Wu. Fabrication of cell pattern on poly (dimethylsiloxane) by vacuum ultraviolet lithography. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces201076, 381-385.

68. Lin Yuan, Zhi Yue, Hong Chen*, He Huang, Tieliang Zhao. Biomacromolecular affinity: Interactions between lysozyme and regioselectively sulfated chitosan. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces200973, 346-350.

69. Zhongkui Wu, Libin Ding, Hong Chen*, Lin Yuan, He Huang, Wei Song. Immobilization of proteins on metal ion chelated polymer surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces200969, 71-76.

70. Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*, Xiaoli Liu, Yanxia Zhang, Dan Li, He Huang. Protein Adsorption on Poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone)-Modified Silicon Surfaces Prepared by Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. Langmuir200925, 2900-2906.

71. Zhaoqiang Wu, Hong Chen*, He Huang, Tieliang Zhao, Xiaoli Liu, Dan Li, Qian Yu. A facile approach to modify polyurethane surfaces for biomaterial applications. Macromolecular Bioscience20099, 1165-1168.

72. Dan Li, Hong Chen*, W. Glenn McClung, John L. Brash. Lysine-PEG-modified polyurethane as a fibrinolytic surface: Effect of PEG chain length on protein interactions, platelet interactions and clot lysis. Acta Biomaterialia20095, 1864-1871.

73. Hong Chen*, Lin Yuan, Wei Song, Zhongkui Wu, Dan Li. Biocompatible polymer materials: Role of protein-surface interactions. Progress in Polymer Science200833, 1059-1087.

74. Hong Chen*, Liang Wang, Yanxia Zhang, Dan Li, W. Glenn McClung, Michael A. Brook, Heather Sheardown, John L. Brash. Fibrinolytic poly (dimethyl siloxane) surfaces. Macromolecular Bioscience20088, 863-870.

75. Hong Chen, Michael. A. Brook, Heather Sheardown, Yang Chen, Bettina Klenkler. Generic bioaffinity silicone surfaces.Bioconjugate Chemistry200617, 21-28.

76. Hong Chen, Zheng Zhang, Yang Chen, Michael. A. Brook, Heather Sheardown. Protein repellant silicone surfaces by covalent immobilization of poly (ethylene oxide). Biomaterials200526, 2391-2399.

77. Hong Chen, Yang Chen, Heather Sheardown, Michael. A. Brook. Immobilization of heparin on a silicone surface through a heterobifunctional PEG spacer. Biomaterials200526, 7418-7424.

78. Hong Chen, Michael A. Brook, Heather Sheardown. Silicone elastomers for reduced protein adsorption. Biomaterials200425, 2273-2282.