
授课人: Professor David J. Young
Monash University Malaysia
授课时间:2015年1月9日(星期五)上午 10:10 – 11:00
授课地点:18新利体育 独墅湖校区301号楼1311室
Professor David J. Young教授简介
Professor David Young is the Head of the School of Science and the Interim Head of Arts and Social Science at Monash University Malaysia.  Professor Young obtained his PhD in chemistry from the University of Queensland and subsequently worked as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the University College of North Wales and then at Oxford University. His first academic position was at the University of Sydney, from where he moved to the Queensland University of Technology and then to Griffith University (1989 – 2010). In 2010 he moved to Universiti Brunei Darussalam where he assumed the role of Deputy Dean and then Dean of the Graduate Studies and Research Office. He joined Monash Malaysia in April 2014 and concurrently holds the post of Visiting Scientist at the A*STAR Institute for Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore where is a PI on a major research grant from the Singapore Government. Professor Young spent two periods as a Visiting Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore and was an education consultant to AusAID in Indonesia on nine occasions. David has published >120 research articles and been awarded the Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s Rennie Medal and the Organometallic Chemistry Medal.