





学历及学术经历:1998年毕业于北京大学化学与分子工程学院,获理学学士学位;2007年毕业于北京大学高分子化学与物理专业,获理学博士学位,师从周其凤院士。1998- 2012年在北京大学化学与分子工程学院工作,主要从事液晶高分子以及液晶嵌段共聚物的可控合成及性能研究。20131月起受聘于18新利体育 材料与化学化工学部。20163月至20173月,赴美国Drexel大学材料系进行合作研究,合作导师Christopher Y. Li教授。先后参与了多项国家自然科学基金、教育部、科技部资助的相关科研项目的研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金项目4项(3项结题,1项在研),迄今为止在国内外核心期刊发表论文130余篇,他引2000余次。



  1. Cai, Y. C.; Zheng M. Q.; Zhu, Y. L.; Chen, X. F.*; Li, C. Y., Tunable supramolecular hexagonal columnar structures of hydrogen-bonded copolymers containing two different sized dendritic side chains. ACS Macro Letters 2017, 6 (4), 479-484.

  2. Ma, S. H.; Cai, Y. C.; Tu, Y. Y.; Guan, Y.*; Chen, X. F.*, Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of side-chain polynorbornenes containing mono-, di- and tri-calamitic mesogenic pendant groups. Polymer Chemistry 2016,7 (21), 3520-3529.

  3. Zhou, F.; Li, Y. W.; Jiang, G. Q.; Zhang, Z. B.; Tu, Y. F.; Chen, X. F.*; Zhou, N. C.*; Zhu, X. L.*, Biomacrocyclic side-chain liquid crystalline polymers bearing cholesterol mesogens: Facile synthesis and topological effect study. Polymer Chemistry 2015,6 (38), 6885-6893.

  4. Wang, J. K.; Ma, S. H.; Chen, X. F.*; Chen, H., Hydrogen-bonded liquid crystalline polymers containing poly(4-vinylpridine) and dendron-like side chains: From lamellar to columnar phase. Materials Today Communication 2015,4, 77-85.

  5. Liu, X. S.; Chen, X. F. *; Wang, J. K.; Chen, G.; Zhang, H. L. Hydrogen-bonded polymers with bent-shaped side chains and poly(4-vinylpridine) backbone: Phase behavior and thin film morphologies. Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3917-3925.

  6. Zhang, J.; Chen, X. F.; Wei, H. B.; Wan, X. H. Tunable assembly of amphiphilic rod-coil block copolymers in solution. Chemical Society Reviews 2013, 42, 9127-9154.

  7. Ye, T. Y.; Chen, X. F. *; Fan, X. H.; Shen, Z. H*. Ordered gold nanoparticle arrays obtained with supramolecular block copolymers. Soft Matter 2013, 9, 4715-4724.

  8. Zheng, J. F.; Yu, Z. Q, Liu, X.; Chen, X. F.*; Yang, S.; Chen, E. Q.*; Side-chain liquid-crystalline polymers based on flexible rod-like mesogen directly attached to backbone. Journal of Polymer Chemistry Part A-Polymer Chemistry 2012, 50, 5023-5031.

  9. Shi, Z. H.; Chen, D. Z.*; Lu, H. J.; Wu, B.; Ma, J.; Cheng, R. S.; Fang, J. L.; Chen, X. F.*, Self-assembled hierarchical structure evolution of azobenzene-containing linear-dendritic liquid crystalline block copolymers. Soft Matter2012, 8 (22), 6174-6184.

  10. Teng, M. J.; Wang, D.; Jia, X. R.*; Fan, X.; Kuang, G. C.; Chen, X. F.*; Zou, D. C.; Wei, Y., Bent-core-liquid-crystalline-based smart material with switchable photoluminescence in two distinct modulating modes.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2011, 115 (45), 22540-22546.

  11. Chen, X. F.; Shen, Z. H.; Wan, X. H.; Fan, X. H.; Chen, E. Q.; Ma, Y. G.; Zhou, Q. F.*, Mesogen-jacketed liquid crystalline polymers, Chemical Society Reviews 2010, 39 (8), 3072-3101.

  12. Chen, X. F.; Tenneti, K. K.; Li, C. Y. *; Bai, Y. W.; Wan, X. H.; Fan, X. H.; Zhou, Q. F. *; Rong, L. X.; Hsiao, B.S., Side-chain liquid crystalline poly(meth)acrylates with bent-core mesogens. Macromolecules 2007, 40(4), 840-848.

  13. Chen, X. F.; Tenneti, K. K.; Li, C. Y. *; Bai, Y. W.; Zhou, R.; Wan, X. H.; Fan, X. H.; Zhou, Q. F. *, Design, synthesis, and characterization of bent-core mesogen-jacketed liquid crystalline polymers. Macromolecules2006, 39 (2), 517-527.