
Tel/fax: 86-512-65882060
Email: fhmeng@suda.edu.cn


1973年4月生于吉林市,博士 教授、博士生导师,18新利体育 生物医用高分子材料重点实验室骨干成员1995年大连理工大学化工学院高分子化工专业获学士学位,1998年中国科学院长春应用化学研究所高分子化学与物理专业获理学硕士学位(导师:黄葆同院士),2003年荷兰屯特大学(University of Twente)高分子化学和生物材料系获理学博士学位(导师:Jan Feijen教授)。2005-2007年在荷兰屯特大学生物医学技术研究所从事博士后研究。2007年受聘为18新利体育 副教授,2010年晋升为教授,2011年为博士生导师。
现负责两项国家自然科学基金项目及一项教育部留学归国人员启动基金项目。在国际主流期刊如Angew.Chem.-Int. Edit.BiomaterialsJ. Control. ReleaseMol. Pharm.MacromoleculesJ. Mater. Chem.,Biomacromolecules 等上发表论文50多篇,H指数19,平均影响因子IF约为5.6。近几年SCI全文收录的论文共43篇,其中IF>13的两篇,IF>78篇,IF>5.432篇;引用总数约1250次,他引1100次,平均他引28.8;单篇最高引用187次,引用超过100次的有4篇。申请国际发明专利2项、中国发明专利9项(其中5项已授权)。连续两年获20092010年“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”(中国科学技术信息研究所)、获2011年苏州市科技进步奖二等奖和2012年江苏省科技进步奖二等奖、连续两次获2008-20092010-2011年度苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖等奖项。担任 Bentham Science Publishers 的期刊Current Pharmaceutical Design”(现代药物设计)的编委,担任BiomacromoleculesIF 5.479)、Chem. Commun.IF 6.169)、BiomaterialsIF 7.404)、J. Control. ReleaseIF 6.499)、Adv. Mater.IF 13.877)、J. Amer. Chem. Soc. IF 9.907)、LangmuirIF 4.186)等主流国际期刊的审稿人。

研究领域: 智能生物可降解纳米药物载体、抗癌药和蛋白质的控制性细胞内释放、癌症的靶向治疗。
1.      F.H. Meng, R. Cheng, C. Deng, Z.Y. Zhong*, Intracellular Drug Release Nanosystems, Mater. Today 2012 15, 436-442. (invited review)
2.      F.H. Meng, R. Cheng, C. Deng, Z.Y. Zhong*, Functional Polymersomes for Controlled Drug Delivery, in “Functional Polymers for Nanomedicine” Y.Q. Shen (edt.), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2012 in press. (invited book chapter)
3.      C. Deng, Y.J. Jiang, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng, Z.Y. Zhong*, Biodegradable polymeric micelles for targeted and controlled anticancer drug delivery: Promises, progress and prospects, Nano Today 2012, 7, 467-480invited review)
4.      Y.F. Du, W. Chen, M. Zheng, F.H. Meng, Z.Y. Zhong, pH-Sensitive degradable chimaeric polymersomes for the intracellular release of doxorubicin hydrochloride, Biomaterials 2012, 33 7291–7299.
5.      W. Wang, H.L. Sun, F.H. Meng, S.B. Ma, H.Y. Liu, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Precise Control of Intracellular Drug Release and Anti-Tumor Activity of Biodegradable Micellar Drugs Via Reduction-Sensitive Shell-Shedding, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 3949-3956.
6.      J.C. Zhang, L.L. Wu, F.H. Meng, Z.J. Wang, H.Y. Liu, and Z.Y. Zhong*, pH and Reduction Dual-Bioresponsive Polymersomes for Efficient Intracellular Protein Delivery, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 2056-2065 (invited article).
7.      Y.L. Wu, W. Chen, F.H. Meng*, Z.J. Wang, R. Cheng, C. Deng, H.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Zhong*, Core-crosslinked pH-sensitive degradable micelles: A promising approach to resolve the extracellular stability versus intracellular drug release dilemma, J. Controlled Release 2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2012.07.011.
8.      F.H. Meng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Polymersomes Spanning from Nano to Micro Scales: Advanced Vehicles for Controlled Drug Delivery and Robust Vesicles for Virus and Cell-Mimicking, J. Phys. Chem. Letters2011, 2, 1533-1539. (Invited Perspective)
9.      J. Xiong, F.H. Meng, C. Wang, R. Cheng, Z. Liu, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Folate-Conjugated Crosslinked Biodegradable Micelles for Receptor-Mediated Delivery of Paclitaxel, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 5786-5794.
10.    R. Cheng, F.H. Meng, S.B. Ma, H.F. Xu, H.Y. Liu, X.B. Jing, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Reduction and Temperature Dual-Responsive Crosslinked Polymersomes for Targeted Intracellular Protein Delivery, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21 (47), 19013 - 19020
11.    Z.Z. Liu, M. Zheng, F.H. Meng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Non-Viral Gene Transfection In Vitro Using Endosomal pH-Sensitive Reversibly Hydrophobilized Polyethylenimine, Biomaterials 2011, 32, 9109-9119.
12.    G.J. Liu, S.B. Ma, S.K. Li, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng*, H.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Zhong*, The highly efficient delivery of exogenous proteins into cells mediated by biodegradable chimaeric polymersomes, Biomaterials 2010, 31, 7575-7585.
13.    H.L. Sun, F.H. Meng*, B.N. Guo, X.Q. Li, R. Cheng, H.Y. Liu, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Shell-sheddable micelles based on dextran-ss-poly(e-caprolactone) diblock copolymer for efficient intracellular release of doxorubicin, Biomacromolecules 2010, 11, 848–854.
14.    C.H. Zhu, S.Y. Jung, S.B. Luo, F.H. Meng, X.L. Zhu, T.G. Park, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Co-delivery of siRNA and Paclitaxel into Cancer Cells by Biodegradable Cationic Micelles Based on PDMAEMA-PCL-PDMAEMA Triblock Copolymers, Biomaterials 2010, 31, 2408–2416.
15.    W. Chen, F.H. Meng*, R. Cheng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, pH-Sensitive Degradable Polymersomes for Triggered Release of Anticancer Drugs: a Comparative Study with Micelles, J. Control. Release 2010, 142, 40-46.
16.    W. Chen, H.C. Yang, R. Wang, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng*, W.X. Wei, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Versatile Synthesis of Functional Biodegradable Polymers by Combining Ring-Opening Polymerization and Postpolymerization Modification via Michael-Type Addition Reaction, Macromolecules 2010, 43, 201–207. 
17.    Y.L. Li, L. Zhu, Z.Z. Liu, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng*, J.H. Cui, S.J. Ji, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Reversibly Stabilized Multifunctional Dextran Nanoparticles Efficiently Deliver Doxorubicin into the Nuclei of Cancer Cells, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 9914-9918.
18.    H.L. Sun, B.N. Guo, R. Cheng, F.H. Meng*, H.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Zhong*, Biodegradable micelles with sheddable poly(ethylene glycol) shells for triggered intracellular release of doxorubicin, Biomaterials 2009, 30, 6358-6366.
19.    F.H. Meng, W.E.Hennink, Z.Y. Zhong*, Reduction-Sensitive Polymers and Bioconjugates for Biomedical Applications, Biomaterials 2009, 30, 2180-2198.
20.    F.H. Meng, Z.Y. Zhong*, J. Feijen, Stimuli-responsive polymersomes for programmed drug delivery. Biomacromolecules 2009, 10, 197-209.