

Wenjun Yang(杨文军)

Associate Professor

Wenjun received his BSc (2014) and MSc (2017) in chemistry from China Agricultural University. After 4-years study under the supervision of Prof. Evgeny A. Pidko, he received his PhD in November 2022 from Delft University of Technology. In 2023, he joined Prof. Deng’s group in Soochow University as an outstanding young scholar (associate professor). His research focuses on the catalytic reductions of CO2 with transition-metal complexes.

Yuebin Lian(连跃彬)

Lian earned B.S. degree in Chemistry from Henan Normal University (2014) and M.S. degree in Inorganic Chemistry from Zhengzhou University (2017). From 2017 to 2020, he received his Ph.D. degree from Soochow University under the supervision of Professor Yang Peng, after which he worked as a lecturer at Changzhou Institute of Technology. Now, Yuebin joins Professor Zhao Deng's lab as a postdoctoral fellow in October 2021, focusing on electrocatalysis and metal-gas batteries.