Status Management

(1) Attendance

International students should abide by the learning discipline and attend classes on time. They are not allowed to be absent, late or leave early. During the study period, students are not allowed to ask for leave to travel, and traveling on weekends shall not affect the normal study.

(2) Suspension

If an international student cannot continue his/her study in China due to illness or other reasons, he/she should go to the International Student Affairs Office to handle the suspension procedures with the application form and the certificate of the hospital and the approval of the relevant school. After the approval of international Student Affairs Office, shorten the residence permit and go through the formalities of leaving school.

The duration of suspension is usually one semester or one academic year, and the cumulative suspension for military service may not exceed two years.

Credits earned before suspension are retained for one year from the date of suspension (two years can be retained for suspension of military service).

Tuition fees paid by self-funded students for the semester when they apply for suspension will not be refunded.

The suspended scholar shall return to study at the prescribed time based on the certificate of suspension. The scholar who is on leave due to illness shall present the certificate of rehabilitation when resuming study. Failure to attend school review on time will be regarded as automatic withdrawal.

(3) Transfer (to another university)

If the international students who are studying in our university apply for transfer, please go to the International Student Affairs Office to transfer with the admission notice and the approval of the relevant school.

(4) Drop Out

International students should submit a written application to the relevant college, which will be submitted to the International Student Affairs Office after being approved.

When self-funded students apply to drop out, the tuition fees paid in the semester are not refunded.

(5) Regulations for Leaving

If a student leaves the school due to business or illness, he/she must submit the relevant certificate of leave and written reasons. If a student leaves the school due to illness, he/she must attach the sick leave note or illness certificate issued by the hospital. Leave within three days will be approved by the instructor or class teacher; For more than three days to less than one week, the instructor or head teacher should sign the opinion and the college should approve; For more than one week, the school shall sign the opinion and the relevant functional departments shall examine and approve. Students who ask for a leave of more than one month in one semester, or cannot continue their study due to personal problems or illness, shall go through the procedures of suspension or withdrawal according to relevant regulations.

(6) Rewards and Punishments

The university will commend and reward international students who abide by the school discipline and have excellent academic performance.

The school shall, depending on the seriousness of the case, give warning, serious warning, demerit recording, detention under observation, expulsion from school or expulsion from school to those who violate school discipline, truancy, destruction of public property, fighting or other bad behaviors respectively.

Once the punishment of probation or above is decided, the school will not only announce the decision to the international student himself, but also inform the international student's home country embassy, representative offices, sending units or parents according to the situation and needs.

If the international student has any illegal behavior, the public security organ will deal with it according to the relevant laws of China, and the university will also give corresponding punishment.