Application Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship Postgraduate Study Program (CSC Type B) of Soochow University in 2022
Release date: 2022-03-23  Author:   Views: 1091

According to the latest notice of China Scholarship Council, 2022 Soochow University Application Instructions for Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC Type B) University Program is updated as follow:

1. Applicants submit their applications on Soochow University International Student Service System at or before March 31st.

2. Soochow University will complete the material review, interview and scholarship evaluation before April 10th, confirm the candidate list for the program, and issue the pre-admission notice of CSC University Program (through email to the program candidates).

3. Nominated Candidates should submit their applications on the Chinese Government Scholarship Management Information System at before April 15th (agency number of Soochow University: 10285). Application documents should include the pre-admission notice from Soochow University.

4. China Scholarship Council will organize experts to conduct a final review of all the candidates and select the best ones for admission.




1) The application documents submitted on Soochow University International Student Service System still refer to the application guide announced earlier:

2022 Soochow University Application Guide for Master Program

2022 Soochow University Application Guide for Doctoral Program

2)  Applicants who have not been nominated for CSC University Program can choose to apply for Soochow University Scholarship Program or Self-sponsored Program.

3)  Candidates who have not been admitted to CSC University Program can choose to apply for Soochow University Scholarship Program or Self-sponsored Program.

4)  Candidates who fail to complete the online application on time will be disqualified.

5 Any question, please feel free to contact